News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation



New Speed Change Lane Open I-95 Interchanges 10 and 11 in Darien, CT on 12/21/07

The Connecticut Department of Transportation announced today the new speed-change lanes on I-95 between Interchanges 10 and 11 opened today, Friday December 21, 2007.


Governor Rell Announces Additional Rail Parking in New Haven

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced the availability of additional rail parking for New Haven’s Union Station at the former site of the New Haven Coliseum. The parking lot is leased from the city by Propark, Inc., who will operate the lot until the city finalizes plans to develop the property.


Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program Awards $1 Million for SRTS Projects

The Connecticut Department of Transportation today announced the award of $1 million in funds from the Federal Highway Administration’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program for infrastructure projects.


DOT Traffic Advisory

With snow already falling in parts of Connecticut (11 AM) and expected to continue into tonight, Connecticut motorists are urged to remain off primary and secondary roads to the greatest extent possible in order to allow DOT and local crews to keep the roads clear.


Governor Rell Announces Ralph Carpenter Retiring as Commissioner of Transportation

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that Department of Transportation Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter is retiring after nearly 30 years of outstanding state service. The Governor has asked former Commissioner Emil H. Frankel to return to that role on an interim basis while a national search is conducted for a new Commissioner.


New Speed Change Lanes to Open I-95 in Darien on 12/8/07

The Connecticut Department of Transportation announced today that the new speed-change lanes on I-95 between Interchanges 10 and 11 will be opened to traffic on Saturday, December 8, 2007, weather permitting.



On Tuesday, December 11, 2007, the Connecticut Department of Transportation will host the final of seven Listening Sessions for updating the State’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRP). This federally mandated document will outline Connecticut's transportation policies and strategies for the next 20 years. The session will be held in the Community Room of the Norwalk City Hall at 125 East Avenue from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Parking will be available on site.


DOT Announces Completion of Moses Wheeler Bridge Deck Work

The Connecticut Department of Transportation today announced the completion of the emergency deck repairs on the Moses Wheeler Bridge, the Interstate 95 span that carries 111,000 vehicles daily over the Housatonic River between Stratford and Milford.


Replacement of Bridge Metro North Railroad over Tokeneke Brook in Darien Impact Notification

The purpose of this notification is to document the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (Department) recommendation that in accordance with Section 6009 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) and the associated Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)- Federal Transit Administration (FTA) joint guidance dated December 13, 2005, a Section 4(f) De Minimus Impacts Finding...


Governor Rell Reverses Metro-North Boarding Plan

Governor M. Jodi Rell said today that Metro-North New Haven Line commuters in Fairfield County will not be required to board southbound trains to New York City on the opposite side of the tracks, as had been planned by Metro-North during an overhead wire rehabilitation and bridge replacement project.


Governor Rell Announces Formal Search For Bradley Airport Administrator

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that a national search for a permanent Administrator for Bradley International Airport has been launched. The airport serves 7 million passengers annually and contributes $4 billion each year to the Connecticut economy.



The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s final four listening sessions for updating the State’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRP) will be held this week and in early December. Since the beginning of November, three public listening sessions were held in Willimantic, Torrington and New Haven, Connecticut to gain input on issues relating to the State’s transportation system.


New Holiday Weekend Rail Service to Start on Shore Line East

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) will continue the expansion of rail service on Shore Line East (SLE) by adding weekend holiday train service. The special holiday rail service will run on weekends beginning Saturday, November 17 through Sunday, December 30. This inaugural weekend service will complement the recently expanded Shore Line East rail service that started on October 8. Ads with SLE schedules are being run currently in local newspapers.


Public Hearings Cancelled on One Dollar Surcharge for New Haven Line Rail Tickets

The Department of Transportation today announced that public hearings have been cancelled for the implementation of the $1 per-trip surcharge on the New Haven Line. The public hearings were scheduled for Wednesday, November 7 at the University of Connecticut in Stamford and Thursday, November 15 at Union Station in New Haven.


Governor Rell Announces New DOT Policies on Family Members Doing Business with State

Governor M. Jodi Rell and Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter announced today that the Department has developed a new policy on nepotism and a supplemental ethics policy regarding the disclosure of family members working for firms who hold state contracts – both designed to minimize any potential for conflicts of interest and the appearance of impropriety.


Governor’s Commission on the Reform of the DOT To Meet Monday 10/29/07 in Hartford

The Governor’s Commission on the Reform of the Department of Transportation will meet Monday, October 29, 2007, at 1 p.m. in the Legislative Office Building adjacent to the State Capitol in Hartford.


Expanded Rail Service to Start on Shore Line East On Monday, October 8, 2007

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) today announced that new train schedules will take effect on the Shore Line East (SLE) and New Haven Line (NHL) over the Columbus Day Weekend. Shore Line East rail service changes will take effect on Monday, October 8, 2007, and New Haven Line rail service will go into effect on Sunday, October 7, 2007.


Governor’s Commission on the Reform of the DOT

The Governor’s Commission on the Reform of the Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 9, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall Annex, Conference Rooms A & B, 999 Broad Street in Bridgeport.


Public Scoping Meeting Scheduled for 10/18/07

State Transportation Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter today announced that a public scoping meeting has been scheduled for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for transportation improvements to the Interstate 95 (I-95) corridor from Interchanges 70 to 84 (State Project No. 170-2725).


The Department of Transportation Announces the Listening Session Schedule for Updating the State’s Long-Range Transportation Plan

Over the coming months, the Connecticut Department of Transportation will be updating the State's current Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRP).


Walk to School Day on October 3, 2007

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is promoting International Walk to School Day. Several Connecticut schools have registered with the National Center for Safe Routes to School, and will be joining schools from around the world to celebrate International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 3, 2007.


Connecticut Public Transportation Commission Public Hearing in Torrington on 10/23/07

The Connecticut Public Transportation Commission (CPTC) will hold a public hearing in Torrington on Tuesday, (October 23) to give citizens and local officials in that area of the state an opportunity to voice their views on public transportation services.



The Intelligent Transportation Society of Connecticut (ITS-CT) will sponsor a demonstration of the latest advances in Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) on September 27. The demonstration will take place at Rentschler Field in East Hartford, from 9 AM to noon and 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM.



New safe riding courses allow more Connecticut riders immediate access to life saving training.


Safe Routes "Back to School" Traffic Safety Reminders and Tips

As Connecticut’s children head back to school this week and in the coming weeks, the Connecticut Department of Transportation is reminding motorists to take extra precaution when travelling in school zones.


Governor's Commission on the Reform of the DOT to Meet 9/6/07

The Governor’s Commission on the Reform of the Department of Transportation will meet Thursday, September 6, 2007, at 2 p.m. the world headquarters of Pitney Bowes Inc., 1 Elmcroft Road, Stamford, Connecticut.


The Connecticut PublicTransportation Commission Upcoming Public Hearings

The Connecticut PublicTransportation Commission (CPTC) today released its schedule of upcoming public hearings to be held throughout the state this fall which will give private citizens and local officials the opportunity to voice their views on public transportation services in Connecticut.


Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest

Connecticut Prepares a Comprehensive Campaign to Curtail Impaired Driving and to Save Lives


Governor's Commission Meeting 8/9/07

The Governor’s Commission on the Reorganization of the Department of Transportation will meet Thursday, August 9, 2007, at 10 a.m. in Room 2-B of the Legislative Office Building adjacent to the State Capitol in Hartford.


Shore Line East & New Haven Lines To Operate Holiday Schedule

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today announced that Shore Line East (SLE) and New Haven Line (NHL) rail services will operate on special holiday schedules over the Independence Holiday Weekend (July 3-July 4th).


Developing Plans to revise/install various traffic control signals

Transportation Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter, announced today that the Department of Transportation is developing plans to revise/install various traffic control signals to improve safety and increase roadway capacity at the following location (s): Project No. 174-326: Avon, Route 167 at Avon High School: Naugatuck SR 847 at Route 8 northbound off-ramp and Sheridan Drive: Plymouth, Route 6 at North Main Street and South Main Street; Plymouth Route 6 at Prospect Street; Ridgefield, Route 35 at Limestone Road and Haviland Road; Ridgefield, Route 7 at Route 102 and Depot Road.



State Transportation Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter is pleased to announce that a Public Informational meeting for the I-84/Route 8 Waterbury Interchange Needs Study (WINS) will be held on Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at the Waterbury Arts Magnet School (Performing Arts Theater), located at 16 South Elm Street, Waterbury CT (parking is available at the Scovill Street garage).


Preliminary Design for the Replacement of Bridge in the City of New Britain

Transportation Commissioner Ralph Carpenter announced today, the State Department of Transportation has begun the preliminary design for the replacement of Bridge No. 01615 which carries West Main Street (S.R. 555) over the Pan Am Railways line (formerly the Boston and Main Railroad) in the city of New Britain.


Preliminary Design for Rehabilitation of Bridge I-84 in the Town of Southington

Transportation Commissioner Ralph Carpenter announced today, the State Department of Transportation has begun the preliminary design for the rehabilitation of Bridge No. 00649, which carries Interstate 84 westbound over Route 10 in the town of Southington.


Preliminary Design for Pipe Culvert in the town of Plainville

Transportation Commissioner Ralph Carpenter announced today, the State Department of Transportation has begun the preliminary design for repairs to the twin 9-foot pipe culvert which carries the Quinnipiac River under Crooked Street (State Route 536) in the town of Plainville.


Bridge Maintenance project I-84 in Waterbury

State Transportation Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter announced today that a Bridge Maintenance project will be performed on I-84 (westbound) between Exits 23 and 18, in Waterbury. This project is scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 16, 2007.


Minor Time Schedule Changes Take Effect on Monday, June 11, 2007

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today announced that new timetables took effect on Monday, June 11th for New Haven Line (NHL) and Shore Line East (SLE) riders. The changes affect reverse-peak, off-peak and weekend train service in support of summer rail construction work on the New Haven Line.


Traffic Control Improvements in Buckland Hills Area

The Department of Transportation announced today that a contract for Traffic Control Improvements in Buckland Hills Area in the Town of Manchester will begin on Monday, June 11, 2007.


Welcome Home Banner Unveiled at Bradley International Airport on May 25th

Governor M. Jodi Rell, assisted by the mother of a U.S. Marine from Connecticut killed in action in Iraq, today unveiled a "Welcome Home" banner at Bradley International Airport that will greet all service members returning from tours of duty.


State Surveys Passengers on Shore Line East

The Connecticut Department of Transportation conducted a customer survey on all morning train service yesterday aboard Shore Line East commuter rail service. An on-board passenger survey was distributed to 900 customers from Old Saybrook to New Haven this morning to gather opinion and input on travel patterns.


Traffic Sensor Repair project I-395

State Transportation Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter announced today that a Traffic Sensor Repair project will be performed on I-395 (northbound & southbound) between exits 79 and 79A, in Montville.


Kick off the 2007 “Click it or Ticket” Campaign

Officials from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Connecticut Department of Public Safety, Connecticut Chief’s of Police Association, the Connecticut Departments of Motor Vehicles and Public Health, and the Connecticut Department of Transportation will join Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele on Friday, May 11, 2007 at 10:30 AM at the Department of Transportation, 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington to kick off the 2007 “Click it or Ticket” Campaign.


Click It or Ticket - May Mobilization

You are invited to attend the press conference announcing the "Click It or Ticket" campaign to be held May 11, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. at the Department of Transportation ( DOT), 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, in Conference Rooms A & B.



Stratford, Connecticut – On May 5, the Connecticut Forest & Park Association (CFPA), the Merritt Parkway Conservancy (MPC) and the Merritt Parkway Trail Alliance (MPTA) will co-host “Sikorsky Bridge Bike/Walk Day,” an event to celebrate the opening of the bicycle/pedestrian path on the new bridge spanning the Housatonic River between Milford and Stratford.


Governor Rell Announces Bus Service Expansion

Governor M. Jodi Rell announced today that public bus service will be expanded in transit service areas across Connecticut beginning July 1 – the first system-wide service expansion in years.


Wireless Communicatins Facilities within ConnDOT Right of Way

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) has initiated a Wireless Communications Facilities Program to allow Wireless Communications Providers or Wireless Communications Tower builders (Applicants) to build, operate and maintain monopole antenna towers within ConnDOT owned right of way.


Public Information Meeting for State Project No. 102-305

Preliminary Design plans for Improvements to Existing Route U.S. 7 in Norwalk and Wilton.



News Conference to kick off Connecticut Department of Transportation's "Work Zone Safety Awareness Week" campaign to promote the safety of workers and motorists in roadway work zones. The Department will also be presenting a new campaign initiative for a unique summer long “Work Zone Safety” awareness program in partnership with major state attractions and destinations.


Connecticut DOT Announces Station Stop Changes to the April 1, 2007 New Haven Line Train Schedule

The New Haven Line train schedule taking effect April 1, 2007, will include stops benefiting Connecticut’s intrastate riders, according to Peter A. Richter, Chief of the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Public Transportation.


Public Information Meeting - Major Widening of Route 7

The Connecticut Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Town of Wilton will be holding their second public information meeting to provide an update on the reconstruction and widening of U.S. Route 7 from Wolfpit Road (Route 106) to Olmstead Hill Road.



Governor M. Jodi Rell, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal and Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter today announced that the provider of L. G. DeFelice, Inc.'s performance bond will pay the state $17.5 million to settle claims stemming from the company's installation of defective storm drains on Interstate-84.


Don’t Push Your Luck This St. Patrick’s Day Drunk Driving: Over the Limit. Under Arrest.

Nationally in 2005, 59 percent of all traffic fatalities that occurred during the evening of St. Patrick’s Day to the early hours of the following morning, involved drivers with blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) of .01 and higher. Of those, 89 percent involved a driver with a BAC of .08 or higher. This year, the potential risk may be even greater since St. Patrick’s Day festivities will take place on a Saturday night.


Governor Rell Hails Public Transit Ridership Increases More than 2.7 Million New Riders in 2006

Governor M. Jodi Rell announced today that more than 2.7 million new riders took advantage of Connecticut bus and rail service in 2006 – a number she attributed to the state’s efforts to expand service, enhance amenities and educate the public and Connecticut businesses about the value of Connecticut transit services.


Governor Rell Proposes $5 Million to Begin Train Station Improvements

Governor M. Jodi Rell and the Department of Transportation (DOT) today released the details of the DOT’s Rail Station Inspection Report. In her 2007-2009 budget, Governor Rell committed $5 million in her third transportation package as a kick-off to fund a statewide rail station improvement program to be managed by DOT.


Winter Driving Tips

As Connecticut prepares for another winter storm, ConnDOT suggests a review of our Winter Driving Tips to help you prepare and help us make our roads safer for everyone during the storm.



The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today announced that continued progress is being made on restoring the Willimantic Branch line for freight rail service. ConnDOT has been evaluating the railroad/highway crossings along the Willimantic Branch, including inspections of the existing traffic control devices at the crossing. The railroad crossing signals have been approved for service and are fully operational.


Connecticut Department of Transportation Along with the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) & the Central Regional Planning Agency (CCRPA) Invites you to join in the next major step of the New Britain - Hartford Busway Project

Come out and assist the Station Design Team integrate the Busway Stations into your community.


Connecticut Department of Transportation Office of Engineering will be conducting a public Information Meeting to discuss safety concerns and other traffic related issues on Route 140 (Crystal Lake Road) in Ellington and Tolland.

The Department has prepared a Preliminary Engineering Study to be presented to the community for public comment. The project extends from Route 83 (Somers Road) to Route 30 (Stafford Road).


Connecticut Commuter Rail Operating Schedule for Monday, January 15, 2007 - Martin Luther King Day (Observed)

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today announced that Shore Line East (SLE) rail service will operate a regular weekday train schedule on Monday, January 15 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

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