FOR RELEASE: August 16, 2011
TELEPHONE: (860) 594-3062
FAX: (860) 594-3065

Public Hearings Scheduled for Bus and Rail Fare Increases and Service Reductions
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will hold public hearings in seven communities to receive comments on proposed rail and bus fare increases and service reductions.

Fares for rail service are proposed to increase by approximately 16.4% for the New Haven Line and Shore Line East effective on or after November 1, 2011. An additional 1% fare increase is proposed to go into effect on January 1st of each year from 2013 through 2018. An approximately 10% increase is proposed for CTTRANSIT bus, express commuter bus and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) paratransit services. This increase would also take effect on or after November 1, 2011. The public hearings will also allow for comments on proposed service reductions, including the elimination of weekend Shore Line East rail service and a variety of cost-saving adjustments to bus services.

Fares for rail and bus service were last raised in January, 2005. For the most part, these fare increases and service reductions are part of Governor Malloy’s July 15, 2011 budget balancing plan. A portion of the revenue from the initial 16.4% and the entirety of the subsequent 1% fare increases will go toward financing the new M8 rail cars which made their debut in March and are replacing older equipment as they are delivered.

The dates, times and locations for the public hearings are as follows:

New Britain

Mon., August 22   

12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM             

Room 504                                                                                

New Britain City Hall                                                                                                           

27 West Main Street

New Britain


Tues., August 23          

4:00 to 6:00 PM & 7:00 to 9:00 PM              

General Re Auditorium                      

University of Connecticut                                                                                                           

Stamford Branch                                                                                                           

One University Place


New Haven     

Wed., August 24          

4:00 to 6:00 PM & 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Hall of Records, Room G-2                                                           

200 Orange Street

New Haven


Thurs., August 25         

12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM &  4:30 to 6:30 PM

Hartford Public Library                                                                        

“X” Room                                                                                                           

500 Main Street                                                                                                           



Fri., August 26             

2:00 to 4:00 PM            

Willene’s Place

Meriden Senior Center

22 West Main Street



Tues., August 30          

2:00 to 4:00 PM & 5:00 to 7:30 PM                

Downstairs Hearing Room                                                           

Silas Bronson Library                                                                                                          

267 Grand Street                                                                                                         


New London
Wednesday, August 31st
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Public Library of New London
Community Room
63 Huntington Street, New London, CT
(The New London hearing will only concern rail fares, not bus fares.)

The proposed new bus fares would affect local bus systems serving the areas of Hartford, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, New Britain, Meriden, Bristol and Wallingford. ADA paratransit fares for these same areas would also be increased by approximately ten percent, as would fares on express commuter bus services to the Hartford area and for the I-BUS Stamford to White Plains express.

The base local bus fare is proposed to go from $1.25 to $1.35. The senior and disabled fare would increase from $.60 to $.65, and the ADA paratransit fare would go from $2.50 to $2.70. The express bus and discounted multi-ride passes would also increase by a similar percentage.

Fares pay for approximately 69.5% of the cost for operating New Haven Line rail service, 9.7 % of the Shore Line East rail service, 22% of CTTRANSIT local and express bus service, and 7.4% of the ADA paratransit service. The state pays for the remaining $ 85.7 million annual operating deficit for New Haven Line and Shore Line East rail services and $116 million annually for bus and ADA paratransit services.

In addition to the public hearings, a website ( and email address ( have been set up to provide additional information and give the opportunity to comment on the proposals. The website noted above will be updated to contain the full list of fare changes and service reductions prior to the public hearings. Comments on the proposed fare increases and service reductions may also be submitted by regular mail postmarked on or before September 15, 2011 to: Bureau of Public Transportation, 2800 Berlin Turnpike, P.O. Box 317546, Newington, CT  06131-7546. The caption “COMMENT ON INTENT TO ADOPT PUBLIC TRANSIT BUS FARES & SERVICE REDUCTIONS” must appear on the envelope.
