FOR RELEASE: October 23, 2014
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DOT Signs ‘Complete Streets’ Policy

Complete Streets Policy Signing Group

Standing, left to right: Colleen Kissane, Katherine Rattan, Robbin Cabelus, Paul Holmes,

Sandy Fry (Bike/Ped Advisory Board), Melanie Zimyeski, Tracy Fogarty, William Britnell

Seated: Amy Jackson-Grove (FHWA), Commissioner Jim Redeker

                Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner James P. Redeker today signed a new “Complete Streets” policy for the DOT, designed to promote safe access for all users by providing a comprehensive, integrated, connected multi-modal network of transportation options.

                The term multi-modal refers to all forms of transportation, such as motor vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian and public transportation.

                “By signing this policy, we are committing ourselves to the incorporation of the objectives of complete streets in everything we do at the DOT,” said Commissioner Redeker. “As we plan and design new projects and other infrastructure improvements, this commitment will be front and center.”

                The new policy was crafted based on state law and input from the Connecticut Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board. Personnel from all DOT bureaus were involved in crafting a comprehensive policy to codify the inclusion of all modes and users.

                Today’s signing was witnessed by Amy Jackson-Grove, Division Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration, key DOT policy makers and members of the Connecticut Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board.

               The policy objectives include:

·         Improve safety and mobility for pedestrians of all ages and abilities, bicyclists, the mobility challenged and those

         who choose to live vehicle free

·         Develop and support a transportation system that accommodates to active transportation modes that promote

         healthier lifestyles

·         Develop and support a transportation system that accommodates compact, sustainable and livable communities

·         Provide safe access for all users by providing a comprehensive, integrated, connected multi-modal network of

         transportation options

·         Improve mobility and accessibility to activity centers, including: employers, commercial centers, schools, transit,

         and trails

·         Support the state's Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) efforts through the provision of integrated transportation


·         Enhance Connecticut’s economic competitiveness by enabling communities to become livable, walkable, bikeable,

         drivable, efficient, safe and desirable.

               This policy includes procedures to directly address training for planning and design staff, project development checklists for bicycle and pedestrian design inclusion, more inclusive design guidance, access to public funding, expanded data collection and performance measures for all modes. Through data collection and performance measures the DOT will have the tools to effectively prioritize transportation spending and improve safety outcomes.

               “While the signing of this document is an important step for the Department, it is also a continuation of our commitment to Complete Streets,” Redeker said. “Currently, projects originating from our Office of Engineering routinely undergo a comprehensive assessment of bicycle and pedestrian needs and all Bureaus are working to better integrate the needs of all users into their projects and processes.”

               The Commissioner noted that Route 44 in East Hartford will undergo a “road diet” in 2015 to provide bike lanes, enhance vehicular safety and efficiency and improve pedestrian and transit accommodation throughout the corridor. The Department is also outfitting 50 train cars with bike racks on the New Haven Line operating between New Haven to New York City. CTfastrak, opening in 2015, is the state’s first fixed bus guide way running from New Britain to Hartford. It will enhance transit options for the capital region and provide a new multi-use trail facility from New Britain to Newington.

               In addition, the Watertown Bus Maintenance Facility will include an accommodation for the Naugatuck River Greenway providing riverside non-motorized access to the bus garage and transit stop. The DOT’s encroachment permit review will now include documentation of Complete Streets policy compliance.
