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CTDOT is Developing Plans for a New Maintenance Facility in Avon

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is developing plans for construction of a new maintenance facility in Avon

The project involves the construction of a maintenance building consisting of approximately 18,150 square feet of bay area and a 6,200 square foot office area. The new building will include operational areas for maintenance operations and private offices with supporting office spaces. Corresponding site improvements will be made. The existing building will be converted into a cold storage building. No additional personnel or equipment are anticipated under the project. The present schedule indicates that final design plans will be available in September 2024. The project will be state funded.

It is the CTDOT’s policy to keep the public informed when such projects are undertaken and important that the community share their concerns with us to assist in the project's development. Should you have any questions, please contact the Project Manager, Mr. Michael J. Strong at (860) 594-3306.


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