Connecticut Advanced Pavement Laboratory
at the
University of Connecticut
          In 1995, the Connecticut Advanced Pavement Laboratory (Cap Lab) was established by the Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) and the University of Connecticut (UConn).  Management of the (Cap Lab) is guided by an advisory committee consisting of representatives from the Federal Highway Administration, state Departments of Transportation, the Hot Mix Asphalt Industry and the University of Connecticut.
        The (Cap Lab)  provides guidance on hot mix asphalt material design for the HMA industry, education and training services on HMA subjects for engineers, technicians and inspectors, technical assistance on paving mix acceptance and field construction, and research on HMA problems.  The impetus for creation of the (Cap Lab) in 1995 was the implementation of Superior Performing Asphalt Pavement (SuperPave), a new HMA design methodology developed under the Congressionally mandated national Strategic Highway Research Program.  The majority of the Cap Lab's activities focus on the needs of both the HMA Industry and State DOTs in New England as they work together to implement this revolutionary new pavement design methodology and in so doing, work together to deliver better, longer lasting pavements for the public.
         Additionally, (Cap Lab) provides training services for the six New England States through the New England Transportation Technician Certification Program (NETTCP).  The regional technician certification program was established to meet the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, 23 CFR, Part 637, Quality Assurance (QA) Procedures for Construction, issued June 29, 1995, which regulates acceptance decisions and independent assurance programs in transportation construction.
         Working together with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and industry throughout New England, a nonprofit organization has been established named NETTCP. The intent of the NETTCP is to jointly develop training and certification courses that are supported by each of the New England States and that are commonly specified by each of them. Training and certification programs have been developed in a number of technical areas including hot mix asphalt, soils/aggregate and concrete. At this time, certification by the NETTCP is being required by several New England States and is recognized by all New England States.
        The University maintains an informational Web site for (Cap Lab) through its Connecticut Transportation Institute.  You may freely view the site to learn about the (Cap Lab), its research, training courses, technical assistance services, and related activities with its affiliated organizations, the NETTCP and NECEPT.
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