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Beginning in 1951, the then Connecticut State Highway Department instituted cooperative research projects with the University of Connecticut (UConn), Civil Engineering Department. To address priority needs, individual research projects were funded on an annual basis from state funds available to the Commissioner. The first project, No. 51-1, addressed the hydraulic design of curb inlet grates.
In 1961, through the enactment of Public Act 495, the Connecticut State Legislature established a continuing joint highway research program between the Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) and the state land grant university (UConn). Section 13a-256 of the General Statutes, as amended, provides for continuing funding of this research program.
On July 9, 1962, a continuing agreement between the Department and UConn was consummated that created a Joint Highway Research Advisory Council (Council) with complete authority over the research program. The Council consists of four members designated by the Commissioner of Transportation and four members designated by the President of the University of Connecticut.
The Highway Department became the largest bureau within the newly formed Department of Transportation, established on October 1, 1969 under Public Act No. 768. The new Department of Transportation was organized to address state responsibilities for a unified multi-modal transportation system.
At its September 19, 1972 meeting, the Joint Highway Research Advisory Council (JHRAC) adopted "Research Goals for the Joint Highway Research Advisory Council "broadening the program scope to encompass all modal responsibilities as follows:"
1) To improve and facilitate the movement of goods and services on the state system;
2) To introduce improved materials and methods of operation for the design, construction, maintenance, and management of the state system;
3) To increase the safety and convenience of the state system for the people of this state; and,
4) To minimize any undesirable environmental impact of existing and proposed transportation facilities on adjacent properties and communities.
The Council identifies, evaluates and researches transportation related problems to achieve these goals. The results of various research projects are disseminated and implemented to effect beneficial changes in the state transportation system.
On June 17, 2009, to better reflect the long-held multimodal goals of the research program, the Council formally changed the name of the research program to Connecticut Cooperative Transportation Research Program (CCTRP).
The University maintains an informational Web site for the Connecticut Cooperative Transportation Research Program through its Connecticut Transportation Institute. You may freely view the site to learn about transportation research conducted under this research program. Research write-ups explain the scope of work and progress to date for each project. Each wrtie-up contain linkss to the principal investigators at the University.
Research publications are available online.
The Annual Summary of Joint Highway Research report for this research program is available online.