V8i Digital Design Environment

Issued 2007


ALERT - The V8i DDE is only to be used in conjunction with legacy projects. All new projects will need to use the CTDOT CONNECT Digital Design Environment.

Software Requirements
  • MicroStation V8 Version
  • InRoads Version Service Pack 4


About the DDE

The 2007 DDE is a compilation of electronic files that configure a client computer or network of client computers to conform to CTDOT’s CAD Standards. The Standards allow the Department to progress toward fully digital deliverables, intermediate digital submissions, and electronic bidding of a digitally signed electronic bid package.      

On June 1, 2007, the Department issued new enterprise wide CAD Standards.  See attached memorandum “Contract Plan Standards” (pdf 912 kb).  

Policy No. F&A-24 “Computer Aided Design, Survey and Roadway Design Software File Formats” (pdf 25.4 kb), dated March 5, 2007, has been reissued.  The policy mandates design software standards. 

The 2007 DDE customizes the user’s off-the-shelf software installation to meet these standards.  This customization is done without affecting any previous configurations the user might have for other clients. 

The methods shown on this site are constantly evolving and are developed for productivity and project data confluence.  While comments and suggestions are welcomed, we do not have the resources to support Consultant Engineers for technical support of the standard software.  The Department will however support any issues with the DDE. 

At this time, there will be no change in project deliverables unless requested in writing by the Department.


Design Environment

Digital Design Environment Guide


MicroStation Workflows (V8 and XM)

Creating a New MicroStation V8 Design File

Creating Cut Sheets, Filling Border, Title Block Text, and Plotting

Creating a Detailed Estimate Sheet

Creation Location Plans

Creating USGS and Permit Plates

Creating a Title Sheet

Creating Standard PDF Contract Sheets using ProjectWise Plot Organizer

Managing Contract Sheets using Tag Manager


InRoads 8.5 Workflows

Starting a New InRoads Project

Processing survey data using Inroads

Using the Plan and Profile Generator
Creating Final Cross Section Sheets

Annotating a Horizontal Alignment

Exporting and Importing Project Defaults and Custom Toolbars

CTDOT InRoads XM Guide


DDE Environment Set-Up for Consultant Engineers

Step-by-Step Environment Setup for CE Design or for Home Use

Download the CTDOT Digital Design Environment

(zip 40 mb) This is the download .zip file that contains CTDOT's Projects and Workspaces Directories.  Within these files also contains all the necessary MicroStation and InRoads Resources (Cells, Level Names etc).


Summary of CAD Environment Changes (pdf33 kb)

07-26-11 - All V8i Workflows moved to Select Series DDE Page

12-17-09 - Provided WIP V8i Workflows, v8i Compatible DDE Zip File and Updated Title Sheets

08-10-09 - Updated CTDOT Contract Borders - Traffic Borders and Tags

04-29-09 - Updated CTDOT Contract Borders, Traffic Cells, and Survey Cells

Policies and Directive

May 1, 2011 - Digital Submissions of Final Contracts - Mylar Plans retired.  As of May 1, 2011 the Department will require the submission of Final Design Documents to conform to The Digital Project Development (DPD) Manual.  This will be in effect for projects advertised by the Connecticut Department of Transportation only.

June 1, 2007 - The Department issued new enterprise wide CAD Standards.  See attached memorandum “Contract Plan Standards

March 5, 2007 - Policy No. F&A-24 "Computer Aided Design, Survey, and Roadway Design Software File Formats" The policy mandates design software standards. 

Requests for additional information or comments should be addressed to: 

William S. Pratt, P.E. 
Transportation Principal Engineer
Phone:(860) 594-3320
Email: William.Pratt@ct.gov

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