V8i SELECTSeries Digital Design Environment

Issued 2011


Supported by AEC Applications

ALERT - The V8i SELECTSeries DDE is only to be used in conjunction with legacy projects. All new projects will need to use the CTDOT CONNECT Digital Design Environment.
Software Requirements
  • MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 3) Version
  • InRoads V8i (SELECTseries 2) Version


About the DDE

What is the DDE?

The DDE (Digital Design Environment) is a compilation of electronic files that configure a client or network of client computers to conform to CTDOT’s CAD Standards (DDE is configured for Bentley Products). The DDE customizes users’ commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) CAD software installation without compromising previous configurations or standards that they may have for other clients. These standards allow the Department to continue developing on its existing digital contract plans and specification submission process, and progress toward a fully digital project. In addition, with standardized digital contract plans the Department is also able to implement electronic bidding of digitally signed electronic bid packages.

A full manual for the SELECTseries DDE has not been written but workflows and guides applicable to the SELECTseries DDE are available at the bottom of this page. The Digital Design Environment Guide that was published with the previous released environment (CTDOT - 2007 Digital Design Environment) may also be a helpful reference. 

Who should use the SELETseries DDE?

As of September 1st, 2011, all CTDOT Consultant Engineering design assignments shall use the SELECTseries DDE with MicroStation and InRoads (see Policy No. F&A-24 “Computer Aided Design, Survey and Roadway Design Software File Formats” below). Adhering to this requirement shall be included in the general cost of doing business for the CTDOT and shall not be used to seek additional compensation. Consultants working on existing CTDOT projects may migrate from previous Digital Design Environments to the latest SELECTseries DDE (with no additional compensation). 


Have the required project deliverables changed with the SELECTseries DDE?

There will be no change in project deliverables at this time unless requested in writing by the Department. Please refer to The Digital Project Development (DPD) Manual for the current requirements.


The Department reserves the right to request design information at any time during the design process. This information would contain High Value Data (HVD) such as: InRoads DTMs, Alignments, Drainage Databases, and 3D Models in conformance with the DDE. CTDOT is investigating future submission requirements for HVD 3D and 4D models for GPS Machine Control, GPS inspection techniques, and future modeling applications.


Methods shown on this site have been developed for productivity and project data confluence and are constantly evolving. Comments and suggestions are welcomed, and the Department will support any questions and issues with the DDE; however, we do not have the resources to support Consultant Engineers for CAD technical support outside of direct issues with the DDE.





V8i SELECTSeries Digital Design Environment ***Now in SharePoint*** 



MicroStation for Highway Design Version 2.1

MicroStation for Traffic Engineers Version 7

InRoads Guide for Designers Version 6

InRoads Guide for Surveyors Version 7


Miscellaneous Workflows

USGS Permit Plates February 2014

Project Explorer & Managing Drawing No. October 2011

StormCAD SS5 for MicroStation Version 2

InRoads Survey for Designers October 2015

InRoads Export to HEC-RAS August 2014

Attaching 2016 Orthophotography April 2018

Using LiDAR Data to Create an InRoads DTM March 2018


Publishing and Printing

Publishing MicroStation Content to PDF December 2013

Printing PDF Engineering Content November 2010    


Common Issues and Resolutions
  • Cells are being placed on the default level instead of standard department levels. Resolution:  Click Here
  • MicroStation is behaving strangely. Toolboxes aren't where you left them, views won't tile, cannot access certain tools, getting error messages, MicroStation is locking up. Resolution: Click Here
DDE Environment Set-Up for Consultant Engineers

The step by step workflow was written to instruct consultant engineers, municipalities and any other private parties on how set up the Connecticut Department of Transportation CAD Environment. Instructions also include installation procedures for MicroStation & InRoads. CTDOT employees wishing to set up for home use can use this workflow as well. Below is the download .zip file that contains CTDOT's Projects and Workspaces Directories. Within these files also contains all the necessary MicroStation and InRoads Resources (Cells, Level Names etc.). 

Step by Step Instructions for Installing the CTDOT DDE

Version 3.2



Summary of Updates

2020  2018  2015  2014



Policies and Directive
Requests for additional information or comments should be addressed to: 

William S. Pratt, P.E. 
Transportation Principal Engineer
Phone: (860) 594-3320
Email: William.Pratt@ct.gov


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