Environmental Compliance

The Environmental Compliance office is a support unit for many of the Department of Transportation’s day-to-day operations and for the design and construction phases of the Department’s capital project program.

The Environmental Compliance unit provides technical support and regulatory guidance to other Department units on matters related to regulated wastes and contaminated materials. Environmental Compliance staff will coordinate the environmental investigations that evaluate for the presence or extent of contaminated soil or groundwater at the Department of Transportation’s operating facilities or in advance of planned capital projects. Environmental Compliance will also coordinate pre-construction or pre-demolition hazardous building material surveys. This office serves as the DOT’s liaison with federal and State agencies that regulate remediation and abatement activities.

Enviromental compliance support is provided by this office on matters related to the quality of stormwater associated with facilities that support the Department’s maintenance operations and with transportation infrastructure in general.

Requests for additional information should be addressed to:

Jason Coite, P.E.
Transportation Principal Engineer
Phone: (860) 594-3404
Email: Jason.Coite@ct.gov

Related Documents

The Department of Transportation’s Office of Environmental Planning in the Bureau of Policy and Planning can be reached here.


Environmental Compliance: On-Call Task Order Scopes
          Soil and Groundwater Services
          Asbestos, Lead, Air Quality, and Structure Demolition
Soil and Groundwater Compliance –Sample Reports, Sample Plan Sheets, and Template Specifications
          Task 110 – Corridor Land Use Evaluation
          Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Report
          Task 240 – Water Quality Monitoring Evaluation Report
          Task 310 – Plans, Specifications and Estimates
                    Waste Stockpile Area detail plan sheet
                    Template Specifications
                              Disposal of Sediment
                              Environmental Health and Safety
                             Controlled Material Handling
                             Securing, Construction and Dismantling of a Waste Stockpile and
                             Treatment Area

                             Environmental Work - Solidification
                             Handling Contaminated Groundwater
                             Disposal of Controlled Materials
                                        General Disposal Facilities List
                              Notice to Contractor – Environmental Investigations
          Sample Specifications
Asbestos, Lead, Air Quality, and Structure Demolition
          Task 720 – Project Design and Specification Development
                    Template Specifications
                             Guano Abatement
                             Asbestos Abatement
                             Abrasive Blast Cleaning & Misc. Tasks
                             Disposal of Lead Debris from Abrasive Blast Cleaning
                             Notice to Contractor – Hazardous Material Investigations

Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Contracts
          Environmental Project Services
          Laboratory Services
          Asbestos and Lead Abatement Services

          MS4 - CTDOT's Stormwater Quality Management Program
          CT DEEP Industrial Stormwater General Permit (external link)
          General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity

Spill Response

Spills at CTDOT Facilities or Spills from CTDOT Equipment Flow Chart
Spills at CTDOT Facilities or
Spills from CTDOT Equipment
(click chart to enlarge and for more information)
Spills at CTDOT Construction Sites Flow Chart
Spills at CTDOT Construction Sites
(click chart to enlarge and for more information)


