CTDOT Freight Program


CTDOT's Freight Program focuses on the integration of planning, operations, and engineering best practices in order to provide for the reliable and efficient movement of goods into, out of, and through Connecticut.

Connecticut's Statewide Freight Plan

The 2022-2026 Connecticut Statewide Freight Plan was developed in compliance with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law/Infrastructure Investment Act (BIL/IIJA), section 21104 (49 USC 70202). The Statewide Freight Plan was updated with input from a variety of stakeholders, and it was approved by the Federal Highway Administration in January 2023.

  2022-2026 Connecticut Statewide Freight Plan.pdf

  Appendix C - Truck Volumes Analysis.pdf

  Appendix D - Truck Bottleneck Analysis.pdf

  Executive Summary.pdf

  2023 Truck Parking Study

The Connecticut Statewide Freight Plan Update (Freight Plan) focuses on providing multimodal freight transportation strategies for Connecticut. Millions of tons and billions of dollars in freight traverse across Connecticut’s multimodal freight transportation network each year.

The purpose of the Freight Plan is to serve as a strategic planning tool for CTDOT, its partner agencies, and the private sector. The need for a comprehensive strategy for the movement of goods across the state results from significant growth in both population and industry that has put pressure on the existing network. It is the intent of CTDOT that the activities conducted under this Freight Plan will enhance reliability and redundancy of freight transportation and will incorporate the ability to rapidly restore access and reliability with respect to freight transportation. The development of this plan update is guided by the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act and requirements of the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

The Freight Plan offers both a short- and long-term view. The Freight Plan’s short-term view considers the value of the current State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) to freight transportation. While the long-term perspective focuses on the needs and issues of the freight transportation system. How and where freight moves depends on many factors, including infrastructure condition and capacity, economic conditions and competitiveness, consumer demand, government regulations, transport technologies, international politics, and trade policies. These factors are in flux, making long-term predictions and recommendations more useful as a guide for establishing general priorities than as specific prescriptions.

Comments and questions concerning the Statewide Freight Plan should be addressed to: DOTPLANNING@CT.GOV



Related Links

CT Motor Carrier Services Portal

CTDOT Oversize/Overweight Program

CT Motor Carrier Handbook

Federal Highway Administration- Freight Management & Operations

CT Department of Motor Vehicles-Commercial Vehicles

CT Rest Areas & Service Plazas

Army Corps of Engineers- New England District




Transportation in Connecticut- The Existing System Report 2014

SCRCOG- Freight Cargo Study for Tweed NewHaven Airport 2014

CT State Rail Plan 2012-2016

Connecticut Deep Water Port Strategy Study 2012

CT Statewide Rest Area & Service Plaza Study 2008 

Statewide Commodity Flow Analysis

Regional Freight Planning

Maine DOT Office of Freight & Business Services

Massachusetts State Freight Plan

New Hampshire Bureau of Rail & Transit

New York Freight Planning

Rhode Island Freight Planning

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