2023 CTDOT Snowplow Naming Contest Rules & Regulations


The Connecticut Department of Transportation is excited to announce the return of the CTDOT Snowplow Naming Contest. The Snowplow Naming Contest allows schools across Connecticut to submit their best and most creative names for four snowplows, which represent the four highway maintenance districts in Connecticut. Schools have a chance to have their snowplow name featured on the side of a CTDOT snowplow!


Contest Rules:

  1. Names submitted should be under 20 characters and no more than three words 
  2. Names should be appropriate and cannot contain profanity or inappropriate language
  3. Names cannot be an individual’s name
  4. The name submitted should be a name that is created by the submitter, and not otherwise owned or trademarked by another entity, such as a movie, TV, or person’s name, or reference to an existing company
  5. By submitting a snowplow name, you grant CTDOT all rights to use/display/publish the name you submit to the Snowplow Naming Contest for promotional purposes
  6. If the same name is submitted by multiple schools, the entry that came in first will be the one considered
  7. Names submitted by schools must include a contact name. Personal contact information will only be accessible to CTDOT employees to contact the winners and will not be sold or provided externally.



  • Any K-12 school in Connecticut can submit their most creative name
  • All Name Submissions are due by December 15, 2023, by 11:59 p.m.
  • CTDOT staff will review name submissions, select the winning names, and announce the winners in January 2024
  • Snowplow names can only be submitted here CTDOT Snowplow Name Submission Form
  • No email submissions will be accepted
  • Online Form is available in English and Spanish
  • Be sure to share with your friends on social media using #CTSnowplowName and tag @ctdot_official (X [Twitter])

Our hardworking snowplows have personality - help us name them!


CTDOT Construction and Maintenance District Map

CT DOT District Map
