Dedication DOT History

July 1995

My Fellow Employees:

The one hundredth anniversary of any organization is a most significant milestone. It denotes that the contributions made by that organization are relevant to the problems of today and that those who provide the services have recognized change and have changed with the times.

Look back on our history and you will find one constant theme. We have been asked to provide the backbone of Connecticut's economic development infrastructure, starting with the charge in 1895 to the Connecticut Highway Department to “get us out of the mud” so that the State's goods and crops could get from farm and factory to market.

Today, you are asked to perform tasks not even dreamed of as wild possibilities by those who have preceded us. You are asked by the public to do a better job constantly, with the assurance that the resources entrusted to us are well spent.

By any measure, you are meeting these challenges. The Connecticut Department of Transportation is a prototype of a truly multimodal transportation provider. We have taken innovative steps to assure the preservation and enhancement of all modes of transportation in our State. You can see this every day. When you see the resurgence of our rail systems, when you see a world class airport at Bradley, when you look at our highway operations center, you see our dedicated staff providing not only for today's needs, but truly planning for tomorrow's.

As we complete our first century of service, I believe it is only fitting that this volume be dedicated to all of the past and present employees of the Connecticut Department of Transportation and its predecessor agencies. You truly represent all that is good in public service, and I know that all of the citizens of our State would join with me in saying to all of you “Well Done.”

J. William Burns
