Update on Encroachment Permit Approvals

Connecticut's public health and civil preparedness emergency was declared by Governor Lamont on 3/10/2020.  

For all encroachment permits, the Department of Transportation has 90 days by law to act on them (that is, grant or deny them) pursuant to 13b-31f(1).  If they are not acted on in that time frame, the statute says they are deemed approved. 

As a result of Executive Order 7M (issued March 25, 2020), for encroachment permit applications received before March 25, 2020, the 90 days stopped running as of the Executive Order, and will start running again at the end of the civil preparedness and public health emergency (declared by Governor Lamont).  For example, if the Department  received an encroachment permit application on March 5th, the Department would have an additional 70 days after the termination of Governor Lamont's civil preparedness and public health emergency, whenever that may come, to act on the encroachment permit application.

For encroachment permit applications received since March 25, the Department will have 90 days to act on them starting on the day when the civil preparedness and public health emergency ends. 