Routes 82 and 85 Roundabout, Salem CT Photo

Roundabout Committee

Mission: The CT DOT Roundabout Committee exists to lead and direct the departments roundabout program with respect to consistency, design guidelines and best practices.

Members: Scott Bushee (Chairman), Craig Babowicz, Colin Baummer, Jessica Darling, Stephen Hall, Joe Jazwicz, Michael Laurice, John “Jay” Lockaby, Kevin McKernan, Andrew Morrill, Edward Sabourin, Nazana Weeks.

Roundabout Reviews: The Roundabout Committee is a resource available for consultation at any time and typically reviews projects at the 30%, 60 % and 90% design stage.

Items Preferred for a Review: Capacity Analysis, Highway Plan, Signing and Marking Plan, Statement of Design Vehicle, NCHRP 672 – Fastest Path Analysis, Screen shots of turning template maneuvers – WB-62 & Bus, Stage Construction Plans / M&P of T proposal during construction.

Contact Us: E-mail us at



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