CTDOT, An Employer of Choice!
Office of Human Resources
The CTDOT Human Resources Division is committed and dedicated to providing quality services in a professional and consistent manner to the employees of the Connecticut Department of Transportation and to the public, working strategically with diverse communities in identifying and responding to our changing needs, and to promoting a workplace of mutual respect.
Office of Human Resources – Brenda L. Abele, Patricia Moroz
Provides overall direction for all CTDOT Human Resources policies and programs, including personnel transaction procedures and activities and the CTDOT’s Employee Assistance Program.

Labor Relations - Tashunda Monroe 
Responsible for all Labor Relations activities including contract interpretation, disciplines, grievances, hearings, arbitrations and labor management. Acts as liaison on labor relations matters with the Office of Policy and Management, Office of Labor Relations, and employee unions.

Human Resources Liaisons – Jackie Ouellette, Maribel Flores, Thursa Hinson, Ann Januszewski, Kelly Paul, Jackie Ciampi, and Jennifer Brame
Responsible for coordinating Human Resources activities for all bureaus in the CTDOT including selection, ADA, salary administration, staffing and classification, compliance with regulations, statutes and laws, and other related activities. Acts as liaison with Department of Administrative Services Human Resources, other State agencies, and employee unions.

Payroll/Records Management – Cathy Cidela
Responsible for the coordination and issuance of all CTDOT employee compensation, life insurance, and health benefits. Responsible for the administration of all payroll records systems, leave balances/accruals, and liaison with the CTDOT’s Human Resources Unit, Office of the Comptroller, the Department of Administrative Services, other State agencies and employee unions.

– Angela Pellegrini
Responsible for coordinating the application of current CONN OSHA regulations; performs accident and injury investigations to determine cause and to assist in the prevention of similar incidents in the future; conducts facility safety inspections to ensure compliance with all federal, State, and local health and safety standards; advises managers and supervisors on the implementation and enforcement of current health and safety standards; develops and implements CTDOT-wide safety policies; tracking workers’ compensation to determine trends; and developing educational and training programs for employees on a wide variety of health and safety issues. Monitors Employee Health and Safety Initiatives, coordinates/manages employee clinic, and directs CTDOT's First Aid/Medical Responders.

Recruitment Specialist – Michelle Gara, Rachel Colon
Responsible for CTDOT activities related to recruitment including outreach to higher education organizations, community resources, and other State agencies to broaden our applicant pools. Works closely with all Bureau designees and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity to develop effective recruitment programs.

EAP Services – The Lexington Group
Provide EAP services for CTDOT employees and family members. Advises supervisors and managers on EAP issues.


CTDOT New Employee Orientation

Human Resources Staff

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