Contractor Payroll Resources


I'm ready to start uploading payrolls into AWP. What do I do now? 

There are three ways to get payroll information into AWP. 

1. Enter information into AWP manually for each week

2. Download a copy of the AASHTOWare Payroll Spreadsheet Template, fill out the spreadsheet, convert the spreadsheet, then upload directly into the system.

3. Some accounting systems are already set up to export payroll data directly into AWP. Contact your payroll software company for information or contact a third-party software provider who can set up a conversion for you. Instructions for third party uploading can be found here. 


Who can see the payroll I submit? 

Project staff will only be able to see the information that is appropriate for their position. You will submit all certified payroll details in AWP. Prime contractors will be able to see their subcontractor's payroll prior to sending it on to agency staff in the system. The system will take care of redacting the personally identifiable information for you. 


Payroll Forms

AASHTOWare Payroll Spreadsheet Template

AASHTOWare Project Payroll Spreadsheet Conversion Utility



The State of Connecticut does not endorse any of the below vendors. 

These are third-party XML generators used by some of our Contractors to generate a third-party XML for upload into AASHTOWare Project. 


 Company Name  Contact Person Email Address Main Phone #

Foundation Software

Denise East  800-246-0800
Foundation Software  Chris Urban 800-246-0800
 Intersoft Systems, Inc.  Bitsy Law  800-547-6429
 Progressive Reports  David Hardy  971-223-3658
 Sage Contractor 100  Steve - Techware 320-259-9866
 Sage Contractor 100  Gary - Contract Business Tools  320-259-9866
 ViewPoint & Spectrum  Bill Wagnon 314-566-0906
 Sunburst Software Solutions (Quickbooks Software)  Nancy Smyth 888-348-2877
 Beacon Data Group  Sage Keegan 508-341-1955
 ZappySYS SSIS PowerPack  Do it yourself XML builder  

