Uniformed flaggers shall meet the requirements set forth in the current Standard Specifications for Roads, Bridges, Facilities and Incidental Construction – Article 9.70.03-2.

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) recognizes the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA), National Safety Council (NSC), Evergreen Safety Council (ESC), and New England Laborer's Training Academy (NELTA) flagger training programs.

CTDOT Acceptable Flagger Programs

These organizations offer in-classroom and online training course options for certifying flaggers and flagger trainers. Currently, these are the only programs recognized by CTDOT.

CTDOT does not accept any other flagger training programs at this time.

Requests for additional information can be addressed to:

Jane Witherell
Transportation Supervising Engineer
Phone: (860) 594-2673


Fausto Rodriguez
Transportation Engineer 2
Phone: (860) 594-2668

