Mission Statement

The Office of Construction consists of Construction Districts 1 through 5 and the Division of Construction Operations. The Office of Construction manages, directs, and coordinates all construction and support activities for capital construction projects assigned to the Bureau of Engineering and Construction. 


The following organizational chart shows an overview of the Office of Construction:

Links to the Division of Construction Operations and District webpages are available below.


Contact Information

John S. Dunham, P.E.
Construction Administrator
Phone: (860) 594-2680
Brigitte K. Bahre
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (860) 594-2693
CTDOT Construction Administrator
2800 Berlin Turnpike
P.O. Box 317546
Newington, CT 06131-7546

Informational Links

Construction Districts 1 - 5 - Look here for a geographical map to determine the appropriate District Office to contact regarding specific questions related to a construction project.
Division of Construction Operations (DCO)Look here for information and contacts related to the Central Construction Unit, Quality Assurance Unit, Central Survey Unit, and Material Evaluation and Specifications Unit.
 Alternative Project Delivery (APD) - Programmatic and project-related information for APD.
Engineering and Construction Information Resources - This links to a page of resources that includes the Engineering and Construction Bulletins and Directives.

