Transportation Asset Management

Responsible for the development and implementation of the Department’s Transportation Asset Management Plans (TAMPs) and documentation to meet Federal requirements. Coordinates asset management activities across all Engineering divisions and Department bureaus. Facilitates progress towards improving asset conditions, inventories and data sharing capabilities.

Assists the Chief Engineer’s office with a myriad of activities including coordinating reporting on transportation related issues for the Bureau of Engineering and Construction.

Requests for additional information should be addressed to:

Stephanie Shippee, P.E.
Transportation Supervising Engineer
Phone: (860) 594-3142
Email: Stephanie Shippee

CTDOT Highway TAMP Links:

Transportation Asset Management Plan (FHWA Certified 9-30-2022) (pdf 35mb)

Transportation Asset Management Plan (FHWA Certified 8/28/2019) (pdf 20mb)

Transportation Asset Management Plan (FHWA Certified 7/24/2018) (pdf 15mb)

CTDOT Highway Asset Fact Sheets

2023 Highway Asset Fact Sheets (pdf 70mb)

2022 Highway Asset Fact Sheets (pdf 16mb)

2021 Highway Asset Fact Sheets (pdf 2.8mb)

2020 Highway Asset Fact Sheets (pdf 31mb) 

CTDOT Public Transportation TAM Links:

2022-2025 CTDOT Public Transportation TAMP (Tier 1) (pdf 32.7mb)

2022 -2025 CTDOT Transit Group Plan (Tier 2) (pdf 19.9mb)

2018-2021 CTDOT Public Transportation TAMP (Tier 1) (pdf 16.9mb)

2018 -2021 CTDOT Transit Asset Group Plan (Tier 2) (pdf 10.3mb)

CTDOT Transit AMP Condition Assessment Guidance 20180515 (pdf 580kb)

CTDOT Transit AM Implementation Plan 20161129 (pdf 53.6mb)

CTDOT TAM Plan Participants (pdf 420kb)

CTDOT Public Transportation Asset Fact Sheets

2023 Public Transit Asset Fact Sheets (Tier 1) (pdf 32mb)

2023 Public Transit Asset Fact Sheets (Tier 2) (pdf 16mb)

2022 Public Transit Asset Fact Sheets (Tier 1) (pdf 24mb)

2022 Public Transit Asset Fact Sheets (Tier 2) (pdf 12.3mb)

2021 Public Transit Asset Fact Sheets (Tier 1) (pdf 38.1mb)

2020 Public Transit Asset Fact Sheets (pdf 3.8mb)

Other Asset Management Links:

Bridge Management Unit

Pavement Management Group

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