Airport/Heliport Permits

License Application

Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
Sec. 13b-46. Certificate of approval. Licenses.

(a) The commissioner may approve airports, heliports, restricted landing areas, and other air navigation facilities. Any municipality or person acquiring property for the purpose of constructing or establishing an airport, heliport, or restricted landing area shall, prior to such acquisition, apply to the commissioner for a certificate of approval of the site selected and the general purpose or purposes for which the property is to be acquired, to insure that the property and its use shall conform to minimum standards of safety and shall serve the public interest. Any proposed airport, heliport, restricted landing area or other air navigation facility at which more than thirty-six landings and takeoffs are expected to be made by aircraft in any year shall be approved by the commissioner before it shall be licensed to be used or operated. The commissioner shall make no charge for approval certificates of proposed property acquisition for airport, heliport or restricted landing area purposes.

(b) The commissioner may license airports, heliports, restricted landing areas and other air navigation facilities and renew such licenses. When a certificate of approval of an airport, heliport or restricted landing area has been issued by the commissioner, he may grant a license for operation and use. On and after July 1, 1995, the commissioner shall charge a fee of one hundred fifty dollars for each license or renewal thereof. Each such license shall be effective for a period of three years from the date of issuance. Each licensee shall certify on a form provided by the commissioner, that the licensed facility shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations during the license period. Municipalities shall be exempt from the payment of any license fee in connection with airports owned or operated by such municipalities.

(c) No municipality or officer or employee thereof and no person shall operate an airport, heliport, restricted landing area or other air navigation facility for which approval has not been granted, and a license has not been issued, by the commissioner. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any airport, heliport, restricted landing area or other air navigation facility owned by the federal government within this state.

(d) Any heliport in operation prior to October 1, 1985, shall be deemed licensed for operation and use and the commissioner shall issue an original license for any such heliport upon the written request of the person who controls and operates such heliport. Such heliports shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter concerning the renewal or revocation of licenses, inspection and review of air navigation facilities and any other provision of this chapter except those concerning the initial approval or licensing of such facilities. Such heliports shall be subject to any regulation adopted by the Commissioner of Transportation in accordance with the provisions of this chapter except those concerning the initial approval or licensing of any air navigation facility.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Matthew Kelly
Bureau of Aviation & Ports
(860) 203-264-8010