OS/OW Vehicle Permits

Oversize/Overweight Single Trip Permit

Permit issued primarily for indivisible loads valid for one trip and return over a three-day period.  Weekend travel permits (Saturday and Sunday only between daylight and noon) are available upon request for loads up to 12’ wide, 13’6” high, 80’ long, and 160,000 lbs.  

The base permit fee is $30.00 with an additional $12.00 electronic transmittal fee.

Additionally, an "Engineering Analysis" fee will be applied to OS/OW Single Trip permits in excess of 200,000 lbs ($2.00 per each thousand pounds over 200,000 lbs).


Forms and Instructions:

Mobile/Modular/Prefabricated Housing Guidelines

Divisible Load Permit

Permit issued for hauling approved bulk materials on an annual or monthly basis.  

Annual divisible permits are charged at the rate of nine dollars ($9.00) per one thousand pounds or fraction thereof based on the permitted weight with an additional $12.00 electronic transmittal fee.  Fees are not prorated or refundable.  These are issued for a one-year period from the effective date.  

Monthly divisible load permits are $100.00 for each calendar month, or fraction thereof, with an additional $12.00 electronic transmittal fee.  These are issued on a calendar monthly basis, and not 30-day increments.

Forms and Instructions:

Divisible Load Permit Bridge Restrictions

New Divisible Load Permit Instructions

Renewal Annual Divisible Permit Instructions

Allowable Materials for Divisible Load Permits

Divisible Load Permit Guidelines


Annual Indivisible Load Permit

Permit issued to Connecticut-based carriers for the transport of construction equipment.  The permit is issued on an annual basis only with an effective period from May 1 through April 30. 

The fee is charged at the rate of nine dollars ($9.00) per one thousand pounds or fraction thereof based on the permitted weight with an additional $12.00 electronic transmittal fee.  Fees are prorated for the amount of months remaining in the effective period.  Upon issuance of an Annual Indivisible Permit, a no-fee Route Authorization is required for each trip.

Indivisible loads are defined as any load or vehicle exceeding applicable length, height, width or weight limits that if separated into smaller loads the vehicle would compromise its intended use (i.e. make it unable to perform the function for  which it was intended); destroy the value of the load or vehicle (i.e. make it unusable for its intended purpose); require more than eight work hours to dismantle using appropriate equipment.

Forms and Instructions:

Indivisible Permit Non-posted Bridge Restrictions

New Annual Indivisible Permit Instructions

Renewal Annual Indivisible Permit Instructions

Self Propelled Construction Vehicle Guidelines


Annual Milk Permit

Permit issued to haul bulk milk.  As defined in 23 U.S.C. 127(a)(13), a vehicle carrying fluid milk products shall be considered a load that cannot be easily dismantled or divided.   CTDOT recognizes this definition and allows for the issuance of an Indivisible Annual permit for the transport of bulk milk up to 100,000 lbs. on a power unit vehicle provided that the vehicle and trailer combination has a minimum of 5 or more axles.  The permit is issued on an annual basis with an effective period from May 1 through April 30. 

The fee is charged at the rate of the rate of nine dollars ($9.00) per one thousand pounds or fraction thereof based on the permitted weight with an additional $12.00 electronic transmittal fee.  Fees are prorated for the amount of months remaining in the effective period.


Radioactive Single Trip Permit

Permit issued for the transport of radioactive material to include:  (1) Any quantity of radioactive material specified as a "large quantity" by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 10 CFR, Part 71, and entitled "Packaging of Radioactive Material for Transport", (2) Any quantity of radioactive waste produced as part of the nuclear fuel cycle and shipped from or through the State to a waste disposal site or facility, (3) Any shipment of radioactive material or waste carried by commercial carrier and required in 10 CFR or 49 CFR to have a placard. 

The base permit fee is $25.00.

Note:  Oversize/overweight radioactive loads will also require an Oversize/Overweight Single Trip Permit in addition to the Radioactive Single Trip Permit.

Forms and Instructions:

Radioactive Regulations

Radioactive Statutes

Radioactive CFRs


Radioactive Pharmaceutical Permit

Permit issued for the shipment of radioactive pharmaceuticals.  This is a period based permit for a six month duration beginning on the effective date. 

The base permit fee is $25.00.


Industrial Permit

Permit issued for the operation of industrial vehicles on State highways for transporting goods, property or merchandise to and between buildings of the same industrial plant, provided the maximum distance on the highways over which such vehicle operated under such permit shall not exceed fifteen hundred feet (1500). 

There is no fee for Industrial Permits.

Forms and Instructions:

Industrial Statutes
