Oversize / Overweight Vehicle Permits

The Oversize / Overweight (OS/OW) Permit Office within the Bureau of Highway Operations ensures the safe and efficient movement of traffic over the State highway network, protects the motoring public and ensures safe preservation of the State's infrastructure. The OS/OW Permit Office issues permits to owners or operators of non-conforming vehicles travelling on the state and local roadway networks. These vehicular permits limit the routes, times of operations, maximum rate of speed and other conditions deemed necessary by the State. This website provides general information and guidance pertaining to the issuance of OS/OW permits. 

For specific information or inquiries, please email the office at dot.osowpermits@ct.gov


For Traffic alerts visit CT Traffic Alerts (ctroads.org)

Oversize Load  

Notice to Commercial Vehicle Operators: 

"New highway use fee. Register with the CT Department of Revenue Services (CTDRS)

For more information and to register with CTDRS, visit portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT



Oversize / Overweight permit applications are processed through the Connecticut Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) WebPortal.

  • Single Trip Permits:  Oversize/Overweight Permit, Radioactive Permit

  • Period Based Permits:  Radioactive Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Annual Divisible, Monthly Divisible, Annual Indivisible, Annual Milk




Date (2024)

No Moves Permitted

New Year’s Day

Monday, Jan 1

Monday, January 1

Good Friday

Friday, Mar 29

Friday, March 29 until daylight Monday, April 1

Memorial Day

Monday, May 27

Begin Friday, May 24 at 12:00 NOON until daylight Tuesday, May 28

Independence Day

Thursday, Jul 4

Thursday, July 4

Labor Day

Monday, Sep 2

Begin Friday, August 30 at 12:00 NOON until daylight Tuesday, September 3

Thanksgiving Day

Thursday, Nov 28

Begin Wednesday, November 27 at 12:00 NOON until daylight, Monday, December 2

Christmas Day

Wednesday, Dec 25

Begin Tuesday, December 24 at 12:00 NOON until daylight, Thursday, December 26


2024 Permit Holiday Travel Restrictions
2023 Permit Holiday Travel Restrictions





Route Survey Form

Divisible Load Permit Bridge Restrictions

Allowable Materials for Divisible Load Permits

Divisible Load Permit Guidelines

Indivisible Load Permit Bridge Restrictions

New Annual Indivisible Load Permit Instructions

Updated Divisible Load Permit Instructions

Renewal Annual Indivisible Load Permit Instructions

Updated Annual Renewal Divisible Load Permit Instructions

Self Propelled Construction Vehicle Guidelines

Mobile/Modular/Prefabricated Housing Guidelines


