Individual Non-Commercial Mooring Space Permit



Sec. 15-8. Power to station vessels. Penalty for resisting. Each harbor master may station all vessels riding at anchor in the harbor and navigable waterways under his care, and all vessels or obstructions so moored or anchored that, by the action of wind or tide,they may be carried into such harbor and navigable waterways while so moored or anchored, and he may remove, from time to time, such vessels within such harbor and navigable waterways, or such vessels or obstructions so moored or anchored, as are not employed in receiving or discharging their cargoes, to make room for the passage of other vessels up or down such harbor and navigable waterways. He shall be the sole judge of whether any vessel so at anchor is so in the harbor or navigable waterways as to obstruct or hinder the passage of any other vessel, or whether such vessel or obstruction is so moored or anchored that it may, by the action of the wind or tide, obstruct or hinder the passage of any other vessel within such harbor or navigable waterways; and may determine how far within such harbor, and in what instances, masters or others having charge of vessels at anchor within such harbor or navigable waterways shall remove the same; and, upon the application of the owner or lessee of any wharf, dock or pier in such harbor or navigable waterways, shall station any vessel lying at or adjacent to such wharf, dock or pier, or remove it therefrom to make room for the dockage or passage of any other vessel, when, in the judgement of such harbor master, the interest and convenience of commerce or navigation or public access require; and may exercise all the powers and duties with reference to such vessels which he might exercise with reference to vessels at anchor in such harbor and navigable waterways. Any person who obstructs, resists or willfully refuses to obey the order of any harbor master or deputy harbor mastering the execution of the duties of his office shall forfeit two hundred fifty dollars, to be recovered, with costs, in the name of such harbor master or deputy harbor master, in which action such vessel may be attached as in other actions; and all forfeitures, after deducting the necessary expenses of enforcing the same, to be determined by the court rendering judgement therefore, when collected, shall be paid to the general fund.

Sec. 15-8a. "Harbor", "navigable waters", and "navigable waterways", defined. For the purposes of section 15-8:

(a) "Harbor" means a place on navigable waters where water-borne commercial or recreational traffic enters for the purpose of anchorage or docking or the unloading or receiving of cargo, supplies, equipment, fuel or passengers;

(b) "Navigable waters" means waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide shoreward to their mean high-water mark;

(c) "Navigable waterways" means waters which are physically capable of supporting water-borne traffic, and subject to the ebb and flow of the tide.


15-13. Pilots; qualifications; license fee; bond; suspension or revocation of license; inactive status; limited licenses; regulations.

(a) The commissioner of transportation shall license as many residents of this state and any other state as said commissioner deems necessary and finds qualified to act as pilots for one year in any of the ports and waters of this state including the Connecticut waters of Long island Sound. A license shall be denied to any person holding a license or authority under the laws of any other state which does not issue a license or authority to pilots licensed by the Connecticut department of transportation. Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall be so licensed unless he possess a federal masters license and has procured a federal first class pilot's license of unlimited tonnage issued by the United States Coast Guard covering the sections of the waters of this state for which application is being made to said commissioner. Each applicant for a license to act as a pilot for any port or waterway of the state including the Connecticut waters of the Long Island Sound shall document that he has made the following passages on ocean-going vessels of not less than four thousand gross tons, through the port or waterway for which application is being made during the thirty-six months immediately preceding his application: (1) Twelve round trips on American vessels under enrolment as pilot of record, on which the applicant is not a crew member; or (2) twenty-four round trips as observing pilot on foreign or registered vessels during which the applicant does the piloting work under the supervision and authority of a pilot licensed by this state, provided the applicant possesses a first class pilot's license issued by the United States Coast Guard for the port or waterway; or (3) any combination of the above requirements for trips, substituting two observer trips for each trip as pilot of record.

(b) Each pilot shall, upon the granting of his license, pay a fee of thirty dollars to said commissioner and shall give a bond of one thousand dollars to the state treasurer and his successors in office, with surety, to the acceptance of the commissioner, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as a pilot, upon which bond may be brought in the name of said treasurer for the benefit of any person who may suffer loss or damage, by reason of the ignorance, neglect or misconduct of such pilot in the discharge of his duties. The commissioner shall increase such fee by fifty percent July 1, 1985, by an additional fifty percent effective July 1, 1989, by an additional twenty-five percent effective July 1, 1991, and by an additional twenty-five percent effective July 1, 1993.

(c) Each license shall expire on the last day of December following its issuance and may be renewed upon application and payment of the fee required by subsection (b) of this section, renewal of the bond required under subsection (b) and proof of current federal licensure as required in subsection (a).

(d) The commissioner of transportation shall keep a record of each license and, if requested, shall furnish a certificate of such license.

(e) Said commissioner may suspend or revoke any pilot's license for incompetence, neglect of duty or misconduct. Any person aggrieved by the action of said commissioner under the provisions of this subsection may appeal therefrom in accordance with the provisions of section 4-183.

(f) Any pilot who has been away from duty for a period of not less than six months, or who has not completed a passage through any port or waterway, for which he is licensed during such period, shall be placed on inactive status. Said pilot shall complete at least one round trip over the port or waterway for which he is licensed before resuming his duties as a pilot. The refresher passages shall be made in the company of an active pilot licensed by the state. Said pilot, before resuming his pilotage duties, shall submit to the commissioner a list of completed refresher passages, including the name, gross tons and draft of each vessel involved, a description and date of each passage and the name of the attending pilot.

(g) The commissioner may issue limited licenses pursuant to this section. Such licenses may be limited according to a pilot's qualifications for operating a vessel, which shall include, but not be limited to, the type, size, gross tonnage or draft of a vessel.

(h) The commissioner shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, to carry out the purposes of this section.

15-31a. Validity of previously issued pilot's license.

Transfer of records. Any pilot's license issued by the superior court or any judge thereof and in effect on October 1, 1969, shall continue in effect for the balance of the period for which issued. The clerk of the superior court in each county shall transfer to the commissioner of environmental protection records maintained by such clerk under provisions of section 15-13 prior to October 1, 1969.

15-31b. Licenses issued prior to January 1, 1972.

Any pilot's license issued prior to January 1, 1972, shall continue to be in effect for the balance of the period issued or until January 1, 1973, whichever is earlier.

15-31c. Connecticut Pilot Commission. Members. Appointments. Duties.

(a) There is created within the department of transportation, for administrative purposes only, the Connecticut Pilot Commission to advise the commissioner of transportation on matters relating to the licensure of pilots, the safe conduct of vessels and the protection of the ports and waters of the state, including the waters of Long Island Sound.

(b) The commission shall consist of nine members, one of whom shall be the Commissioner of Transportation or the commissioner's designee and one of whom shall be an active licensed pilot in this state operating on the Connecticut side of the rotation system for the assignment of pilots. The pilot member shall be designated by a simple majority vote of pilots operating on the Connecticut side of the rotation system for the assignment of pilots. The remaining seven members shall be appointed as follows: The Governor shall appoint one member representing a maritime-related industry, which industry shall not include a recreational industry; the president pro tempore of the Senate shall appoint one member representing the public with an interest in the environment who does not have an economic interest in the subject matters of the commission; the majority leader of the Senate shall appoint one member representing the public with an interest in the environment who does not have an economic interest in the subject matters of the commission; the minority leader of the Senate shall appoint one member who shall be a retired ship's master or captain; the speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint one member representing a maritime-related industry, which industry shall not include a recreational industry; the majority leader of the House of Representatives shall appoint one member representing a maritime-related industry from a shipping agent perspective; the minority leader of the House of Representatives shall appoint one member with an expertise in the area of admiralty law. Each member shall be a resident of the state, provided no member shall be an active licensed pilot, except the one active Connecticut licensed pilot operating in and designated by a simple majority of pilots operating on the Connecticut side of the rotation system for the assignment of pilots. Members shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

(c) On or before July 1, 1992, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of this section (1) the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives and the majority leader of the senate shall each appoint one member who shall serve until July 1, 1996; (2) the present pro tempore of the senate, the majority leader of the house of representatives and the minority leader of the house of representatives shall each appoint one member who shall serve until July 1, 1995; and (3) the minority leader of the senate shall appoint one member who shall serve until July 1, 1994. Thereafter, members shall serve for a term of four years and any vacancies on the commission shall be filled for the remainder of the term in the same manner as the original appointment.

(d) The governor shall appoint the chairperson of the commission who shall not be an employee of the department of transportation. The commission shall elect a vice-chairperson and any other officers that it deems necessary from among its membership. The powers of the commission shall be vested in and exercised by not less than three members serving on the commission. This number shall constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of three members present at a meeting of the commission shall be necessary for any action taken by the commission.

(e) The commission shall, subject to the approval of the commissioner in his sole discretion, set: (1) The required qualifications of pilots for eligibility for licensure, including background, training, length of service and apprenticeship; (2) examination requirements for obtaining a pilot's or other type of operating license; and (3) the appropriate number of state-licensed pilots necessary for the safe, efficient and proper operations in the ports and waters of the state, including the waters of Long Island Sound; (4) in setting these requirements, the commission may not consider the licenses of pilots by other jurisdictions as a disqualifying factor.

(f) The commission shall advise the commissioner on (1) the establishment of fair and reasonable rates of pilotage, pursuant to section 15-14, including establishment of a hearing process for the setting of fair and reasonable rates of pilotage and licensure fees; (2) the policy of the state on the establishment of a rotation system for the assignment of pilots; (3) the policy of the state on the issuance of reciprocal licenses to pilots licensed in other states; (4) the enhancement of safety and protection of the marine environment during the operation of vessels and the prevention of oil spills and other marine incidents; (5) the proper equipment required on a vessel and the operation of vessels used by pilots for embarkation and disembarkation; (6) the designation of pilot boarding stations; (7) the proper safety equipment provided by vessels to enable pilots to safely board vessels; (8) the state's policy relative to matters of interstate pilotage; and (9) any other matter requested by the commissioner.

(g) The commission shall: (1) Assist in the preparation of examinations for pilot licensure and other operating certificates; (2) evaluate the examination results of applicants for a pilot license and make appropriate recommendations concerning such applicants' qualifications; (3) assist in the review and monitoring of the performance of pilots, including compliance with state policies, procedures and regulations; (4) review applications for reciprocal licensure and make appropriate recommendations concerning such pilot's qualifications; (5) recommend the duties of pilots for the reporting of faulty pilot boarding and disembarkation systems and of violations of any state laws; (6) review and investigate any marine incident or casualty and conduct hearings to determine the causes of any such incident; (7) investigate and make recommendations on disciplinary measures, including such measurers as letters of caution, admonition or reprimand and licensure suspension or forfeiture, including disciplinary matters relative to alcohol or drug abuse; (8) retain an independent investigator to compile a comprehensive factual record of any marine incident or casualty; (9) assist in the review of complaints filed with the commissioner; and (10) assist in the preparation of any report or matter relative to pilotage.

(h) Nothing in this section shall supersede the authority of the commissioner with respect to licensing marine pilots as specified in section 15-13.

15-14. Rates of pilotage.

The commissioner of transportation shall establish the rates of pilotage for all vessels which use a licensed pilot in the ports and waters of this state including the Connecticut waters of Long Island Sound.

For further information, please contact:

Brian Thompson
Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Office of Long Island Sound Program
(860) 424-3650
