The Photolog Unit uses two ARAN9000 vehicles to collect high definition images and roadway condition, geometric and position data every 16.4 feet (5-meters) for the entire 4000-mile state-maintained roadway network.


Hartford Sky from Route 2


  1. To annually photolog the entire state-maintained highway system and to periodically photolog the highway-ramp system using the latest roadway image and data collection technology.
  2. To annually update the photolog servers at ConnDOT and at the University of Connecticut. Providing access for CTDOT employees, FHWA offices in Glastonbury,CT and at Connecticut State Police Headquarters with forward-view Right-of-Way (ROW) and Pavement images from the entire highway system and corresponding highway condition, GPS, and geometric data.

  3. To annually update the HPMS image library of the HPMS local road system for the Department.

  4. To continually monitor photolog image-library and data usage and determine estimated cost savings through usage documentation. 

  5. To ascertain user and prospective-user needs, as well as provide on-site familiarization and maintenance of photolog image and data retrieval technology.

  6. To support the Department's photolog viewing software and hardware, as required.

  7. To provide certified photolog images for purposes of litigation, as requested.

  8. To annually collect and process horizontal curvature and grade data for Connecticut's submission to the FHWA Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).

  9. To provide specialized image and data collection as required.

  10. To investigate new technologies with the potential to further improve photolog services and operations, and to develop and implement improvements wherever possible


Photolog Homepage

