Office of Program Development and Forecasting


Statewide Transportation Improvement Program unit

Develops and maintains  USDOT approval of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and coordinates the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) along with  periodic revisions; tracks and produces report of previous fiscal year obligated and granted projects for the MPOs and Council of Governments (COGs) as federally mandated; calculates and allocates estimated Federal Authorization funds to Connecticut’s 8 MPOs and 2 Rural Council of Governments for long-range planning purposes.


Travel Demand and Air Quality Modeling Unit

Develops and maintains the statewide travel demand model which utilizes current and future socio-economic and demographic projections to estimate travel demand; prepares demographic and socio-economic forecasts for use in travel demand modeling; compiles datasets of available demographic information for use by the Department and its partner agencies, including those used in Title VI and Environmental Justice assessments; conducts project and regional level transportation air quality conformity analyses to ensure that the Metropolitan Transportation Plans and the STIP are consistent with air quality goals and that progress is made toward achieving and maintaining Federal air quality standards; calculates emissions benefit analyses to determine project eligibility for CMAQ funding. Link to completed Connecticut Statewide Transportation Study.


Performance Management Unit

Develops and publishes the Department’s quarterly performance measures as well as National performance measures required for the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. It also advances Department-wide capability to model, forecast and set targets for key drivers of performance. This unit analyzes and models congestion and highway system reliability using travel-time data and applies analytics-driven solutions to the Departments business processes such as project prioritization. Additionally, this unit develops Department-wide policies, principles and best practice methods for improving transportation system outcomes. Access Performance Management's webpage here.


Trip and Traffic Analysis Unit

Prepares traffic forecasts of travel demand based upon socioeconomic, demographic and transportation system characteristics; analyzes the current and future levels of service/congestion; transit usage; traffic volumes based upon existing and future transportation plans and programs. Reviews Major Traffic Generators (MTG’s) with respect to traffic volumes, trip generation and trip distribution for the Office of the State Traffic Administration (OSTA). Trip and Traffic Analysis also assists in the management and review of corridor and regional transportation planning studies. 


Maribeth C. Wojenski

Transportation Assistant Planning Director

Office of Program Development and Forecasting

Phone: (860) 594-2045

Fax: (860) 594-2056



Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

Rose A. Etuka

Transportation Supervising Planner

Phone: (860) 594-2040

Fax: (860) 594-2056



Travel Demand/AQ Modeling

Matthew Cegielski

Transportation Supervising Planner

Phone: (860) 594-2029

Fax: (860) 594-2056



Performance Management

Edgardo Block

Transportation Supervising Engineer

Phone: (860) 594-2495

Fax: (860) 594-2056



Trip and Traffic Analysis

Gary Sojka

Transportation Supervising Planner

Phone: (860) 594-2025

Fax: (860) 594-2056


