Office of Strategic Planning and Projects


The Office of Strategic Planning and Projects (OSPP) is comprised of three units - Research, Statewide Planningand Project Coordination.


Research supports the attainment of the Department’s mission by conducting research projects to address problems associated with the administration, planning, design, construction, rehabilitation, reconstruction, operation, and maintenance of the State’s transportation system. The Research Unit develops Department-wide policies, principles and best practice methods for improving resource allocation and utilization decisions.  The Research Unit also communicates, coordinates, and collaborates with other state transportation agencies in Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) projects and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP).  This partnership results in national and regional studies on transportation issues of interest and benefit to the state.  This Unit continues to participate with the five other New England states and FHWA in the activities of the New England Transportation Consortium (NETC).  Finally, the Research Section promotes technical training through the state’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP).


Statewide Planning produces studies and plans for initiatives related to land use planning, multimodal planning, federal and state transportation policy, transportation funding and finance policy, transit-oriented development, and emerging transportation concepts to support informed decision making by the Department and other Bureaus. This unit is responsible for preparing, reviewing, and providing oversight on several required state and federal planning documents, as well as corridor and regional transportation studies.


Project Coordination oversees the Community Connectivity Grant Program (CCGP) and the Department’s Federally required Freight Program. The Project Coordination Unit also administers and participates in multi-modal transportation studies, both in-house and in coordination with Regional Councils of Governmentsdevelops project concepts to improve safety and mobility for all modes, is responsible for performing Complete Streets project design reviews, and a staff member also acts as the Department’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator.



David Elder, AICP, GISP

Transportation Assistant Planning Director
Strategic Planning and Projects
Phone: (860) 594-2139
Fax: (860) 594-3028




Melanie Zimyeski

Transportation Supervising Planner

Phone: (860) 594-2144

Policy & Statewide Planning

Elise Greenberg, AICP

Transportation Supervising Planner

Phone: (860) 594-2855

Project Coordination

Craig Babowicz

Transportation Supervising Planner

Phone: (860) 594-2158





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