Eastern CT Corridor Rail and Transit Feasibility Study (ECRTS)



Fact Sheet (English)

Fact Sheet (Spanish)

ECRTS Final Report

The ECRTS is the first step in a data-driven decision-making process. The purpose of this feasibility study is to examine existing and future conditions to determine the viability for expanded and improved commuter rail and bus transit operations in southeastern Connecticut. The final report of the feasibility study summarizes the analysis and findings of thirteen detailed technical reports, which are presented separately as appendices to this document. The report presents short- and long-term rail and transit strategies. It builds upon a previous document, the Preliminary Feasibility Assessment (Appendix H), which refined rail corridor and station location options for more detailed analysis. Though short- and long-term strategies to advance improvements in rail and bus transit service are presented, they are preliminary findings. Additional detailed analyses as part of the project development lifecycle would be required to further evaluate potential service along the corridors. Any next steps are currently unfunded.

CTDOT held three public information meetings to provide an overview of the study findings and offer the opportunity for the public to ask questions and provide comments. The public comment period concluded on October 20, 2023. Input from the public comment period as well as the three public information meetings has been incorporated into the Final Report which was finalized on November 30, 2023.



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