Transportation Rural Improvement Program - TRIP

Rural Transportation Capital Improvement Program


UPDATE: 1/30/2024

Governor Lamont Announces $9 Million in State Grants To Improve

Transportation Infrastructure in 10 Rural Communities

Full Press Release Available Here

Transportation Rural Improvement Program Statement

The CTDOT Transportation Rural Improvement Grant Program, (TRIP) provides state funds to municipal governments for infrastructure improvements in rural areas of Connecticut. Activities may include transportation capital projects such as construction, modernization, or major repair of infrastructure.

General questions regarding the TRIP can be directed to

Below are program documents and helpful links to assist in applying for grants and navigating the project administration process. The Department will evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the process over time and may make modifications to the guidelines as needed.

Program Background

Program Press Release

Program Presentation

COST & CCM -TRIP Program Rollout Presentation Recording - October 20, 2022

Program Documents

1. Grant Application and Resources
2. Project Administration Documents
3. Final Design Submission

Helpful Resources

The resources below can provide additional guidance or data that may be helpful in the completion of a TRIP application:

Connecticut Department of Transportation Open Data Hub

ConnDOT Design Standards & Special Provisions

Functional Classification Mapping (with Rural Boundaries)

Connecticut Crash Data Repository

CTDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel Needs Assessment Form

Traffic, pedestrian and bicycle data

FHWA – Road Safety Audit Guidelines

Connecticut Technology Transfer Center – Safety Circuit Rider Program

Office of the State Traffic Administration
The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Office of the State Traffic Administration (OSTA) promulgates regulations establishing a uniform system of traffic control signals, devices, signs, and markings for public highways/roadways in the State of Connecticut. The OSTA also adopts additional regulations in cooperation and agreement with local traffic authorities governing the use of state owned and maintained highways/roadways.

CTDOT Community Connectivity Grant Program

CTDOT Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP)

CT DEEP Permit Process

CT Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO)

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RFP) (CTDOT)


Requests for additional information should be addressed to:

Craig Babowicz
Transportation Supervising Planner
Phone: (860) 594-2158



