Hartford West


The Connecticut Department of Transportation(ConnDOT), the Capitol Region Council of Governments(CRCOG) and the Central Connecticut Regional Planning Agency (CCRPA) have identified peak hour traffic congestion and safety deficiencies as major concerns for the interstate 84 (I-84) corridor between Downtown Hartford and the Fienemann Road interchange in Farmington. 

The Hartford -New Britain Station Area Planning Study is a transit oriented development study for 12 planned stations along the Hartford - New Britain Bus Rapid Transit line. The primary goal of the project is to coordinate transportation and land use planning in order to enhance development around transit stations and maximize the benefits of the busway investment
The purpose of this study is to determine the need and define changes that could be made to improve the Prospect Avenue, Flatbush Avenue, Sisson Avenue, and Sigourney Street interchanges along Interstate 84 (I-84).