General Tips

  • Have you checked your oil, water, brake fluid, and other fluid levels? Top them off, as needed.

  • A clean windshield and properly adjusted rearview mirrors are important for good visibility.

  • Make sure that all your lights and turn signals are working properly.

  • Check your tires carefully for tread wear or damage, and assure they are filled with the correct air pressure. Make sure your spare tire is road worthy.

  • Make sure you have safety devices like flares and/or reflective triangles to use in case you need them.

  • You may want to check with the National Weather Service for weather conditions on your planned routes.

  • Start your trip well-rested and alert. If you get tired along the way, take a break from driving.

  • The Department of Transportation has an Auto Safety Hotline:   1-888-DASH-2-DOT (1-888-327-4236)  This service is provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation.  For more information on safety issues, visit their web site at

  • To obtain the latest traffic advisories and alerts when traveling, tune your car radio to 530 or 1610 on your AM dial.
