TRANSPORTATION IN CONNECTICUT:  THE EXISTING SYSTEM is the third in a series of three reference documents that are intended to provide the reader with an overview of transportation in Connecticut. It contains information on the roles of the Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) with respect to the State of Connecticut's airports, bridges, highways, bus systems, rail systems, water transportation services and facilities, and bikeways and multi-use trails. Transportation facilities and services provided or funded by the Department are discussed, overviews of the physical conditions of the infrastructure of these systems are presented, factors affecting the conditions of or demand on the facilities are identified, and the ability of these facilities and systems to meet current and future demand is discussed. This document was originally published in June 2007 and updated in October of 2014.

View the Existing System document: PDF (8.7 mb)

The first document in the series, TRANSPORTATION IN CONNECTICUT: THE PLANNING PROCESS, contains information on the transportation planning process.  It was published in 2005 and is available on the Department’s web site. An updated document that includes information on the federal Safe Accountable, Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) requirements and planning–related requirements of state legislation passed in the 2006 and 2007 legislative sessions will be published in the summer of 2007.

View the Planning Process document:  PDF (476 kb), ZIP (Zipped) (1.7 mb) - Text Only

The second document in the series, TRANSPORTATION IN CONNECTICUT: TRENDS & PLANNING DATA, contains information on the trends, factors and other relevant information used or considered by transportation planners and engineers to forecast and address travel needs and demands. It also includes summary information on the long-range transportation plans and projects and studies of the states of Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New York that are relevant to Connecticut. This document was published in June 2006.

View the Trends & Planning Data document:  PDF (1.2 mb), DOC(3.6 mb), ZIP (Zipped) (2.9 mb) -Text Only

For further information please contact:
Ms Roxane Fromson
Transportation Supervision Planner
Office of Policy and Systems Information
Phone:  (860) 594-2038
