A to Z Index> About CTDOT> FAQ> Fast Facts> Highways and Bridges> Transit - Bus, Train, Ferry> Bicycles and Pedestrians> Road Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals> Environmental Planning> Major Projects> Traffic Count Data> Traveling in Connecticut> Open Data Portal> Contact Us> Search Department of Transportation Search the current Agency with a Keyword Filtered Topic Search SEARCH 2013 Expressways Cycle Please use Bookmarks for your easy reference to the detailed hourly data and mapping information. US 7 NB Danbury - Brookfield US 7 SB Danbury I-84 Danbury - Union I-384 East Hartford - Bolton I-691/RT 66 Cheshire - Middlefield RT 2 Hartford - Norwich RT 2 Preston - Stonington RT 3/I-91 Wethersfield - East Hartford RT 8 Bridgeport - Winchester RT 11 Salem - Colchester RT 17 Glastonbury RT 25 Bridgeport - Trumbull RT 189 Bloomfield