
For help with the Traffic Accident Viewing System update or other traffic accident information, please contact:

Eugene.Interlandi@ct.gov at (860) 594-2096

The Traffic Accident Viewing System can be obtained on CD-ROM.  For informationon how to obtain a copy of the CD, please contact the Connecticut Department of Transportation Accident Records Section, at (860) 594-2095.

Preliminary January-December 2008 accident data is now available for use with the Traffic Accident Viewing System (TAVS).  The updated file contains accident data for the time period from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2008.

This TAVS update contains a new executable file named "tavs.exe".  If you currently have an older version of the executable file, then the “tavs.exe” executable file will replace the old executable file, which was named either "tavsC.exe", "tavsD.exe" or "tavsE.exe".  After the TAVS update files have been extracted to the TAVS folder, please delete the old executable file from the folder and select the new executable file to open the TAVS program.

Please follow the directions below to download the updated files.

  • Locate the "tavs" directory on your hard drive.
  • Double-click the link below and save the "TAVSinputfiles.zip" file to the "tavs" directory. 
  • Double click the "TAVSinputfiles.zip" file in the "tavs" directory to bring up the Winzip window. 
  • Follow the directions on the Winzip window to extract the files into the "tavs" directory. 
  • Select the option to "Overwrite existing files."
  • If you have an older version of the executable file, then delete that file ("tavsC.exe", "tavsD.exe" or "tavsE.exe") and select the new executable file ("tavs.exe") to open the TAVS program. If you already have the new executable file, then no additional action is needed.

Download the new Accident data (zip 23 mb)
