Traffic Count Locator Program Updates

For help with ADT's or other Traffic Count information please contact:

Traffic Monitoring & Data Analysis at (860) 594-2089

The latest Traffic Count data (Including all 2010 counts) is now available for use with the Traffic Count Locator Program (TCLP).  Please follow the directions below to download the updated files.

  • Locate the "tmsadt" directory on your hard drive
  • Double-click the link below and save the "" file to the "tmsadt" directory
  • Double click the "" file to bring up the Winzip Window.  Follow the directions to extract the files into this directory
  • If you have an older version of the executable file, delete that file ("tmsadtC.exe or tmsadtD.exe") and select the new executable file ("tmsadt.exe") to open the TMSADT program, if you already have the new executable file, then no additional action is needed

TMSADT DOWNLOAD (zip 17 mb) 

Continuous Count Station Updates

The latest Continuous Count Station (CCS) data (January, 2002 thru April, 2017) is now available for use with the Traffic Count Locator Program (TCLP). Please follow the directions below to download the updated files.

  • Locate the "tmsadt" directory on your hard drive.
  • Double-click the link below and save the file to the "tmsadt" directory.
  • Double click the "" file to bring up the Winzip window.  Follow the directions to extract the files into this directory.

Download The CCS Data (zip 13 mb)

CTDOT WIM Locations

