State Project 0024-0091 Webpage

Welcome to the webpage for Project 0024-0091, Replacement of Bridge No. 04603, England Road over Natchaug River in the Town of Chaplin.

A virtual public informational meeting for the project was held on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

The recording of that event can be accessed on this YouTube Project Channel

The minutes of the meeting can be found here.

The video will also be archived in the Virtual Public Information Meeting (VPIM) library. Scroll down that page to find the video.

In addition to the video, the Public Meeting Notice provides a description and additional information on the project.

The public comment period is open through April 13th, 2022. If you would like to leave a comment or ask a question, you may send us an email or leave a voicemail.


Phone: (860) 944-1111 (Please be sure to reference the project in your voicemail)

Other Information Available to the Public:

Meeting Survey (optional)

After the meeting, we hope you'll take a few extra minutes to fill out our brief survey. Thank you!

Voluntary Feedback Survey

DOT Office of Contract Compliance - TITLE VI Program

MS-4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
