-Offered by-

State of Connecticut

Department of Transportation

Item No. 781



Location: North side West Liberty Street
Lot Size: 5,724± square feet
Zone: Residential C (legally non-conforming lot)
Utilities: Water, telephone, natural gas and electric
Frontage: 66± feet frontage on West Liberty Street
Asking Price: $20,000.00
Deposit: 5% to be submitted with the bid by a bank or certified check made payable to
"Treasurer, State of Connecticut".
*A $1,000.00 Administrative fee will be added to the sale price of the accepted bid.


Property Photo      property photo

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View ConnDOT property Map 


All properties are subject to the municipality’s right of first refusal, as stated in Connecticut General Statute 3-14b, and to any state of fact as may appear of record or any inspection of the property may disclose. 

Bids must be mailed or delivered to the Contract Section or placed in the Bid Box, Department of Transportation, and received before 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 30, 2019.  It is the bidder's responsibility to verify that the bid has been received by calling
(860) 594-3129.  Bids will be opened publicly on Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in Conference Room A at the Department of Transportation, 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, Connecticut 06131.


Official State forms may be obtained at the Connecticut Department of Transportation, Property Management Division, P.O. Box 317546, Newington, Connecticut 06131-7546 or by calling Ms. Kristi-Lyn Sadosky at (860)594-2407 (email:  For more public bid information call (860) 594-2481, or visit our website at:


All properties inclusive of the real property and all buildings and improvements situated thereon, if any, shall be sold in their "AS IS" condition.  The State shall not make any warranties or representations whatsoever.  Each bidder shall be solely responsible for inspecting all public records, inspecting the subject premises and drawing his own conclusions.  The information contained within the bid and from all officers, agents and employees of the State has been obtained from the State's records and the State makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.  Nothing within this bid package may be construed as an expressed or implied warranty, representation or a waiver or limitation of the State's sovereign immunity.

The State reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, and to withdraw this invitation to bid at any time before or after bids are opened.  It also reserves the right to negotiate with the highest bidder prior to acceptance or rejection of bids or its withdrawal of this invitation.

