Connecticut's Rail Safety Program - Operation Lifesaver Links

Operation Lifesaver Website Links


Operation Lifesaver

In Connecticut and across the country, many people think that it is okay to go onto railroad tracks and take photos.  It is not.  It’s not only illegal (trespassing), but it’s very dangerous.  Please view, No Shot is Worth It – PSA for filming on the tracks.

Photography around the tracks  and Stop Track Tragedies

There have been incidents were trucks have been struck at rail crossings.  Operation Lifesaver has recently produced a new public service announcement for truck safety for dump, concrete and garbage trucks. Please view - Truck Driver Safety

What should one do if there is an emergency at a crossing?  Operation Lifesaver has a short video - Find the Blue and White – Emergency Notification System Sign video -

What to do at a crossing emergency?

Rail Safety Tips from Operation Lifesaver

Walking safely near tracks tips.

Driving safely near tracks


Operation Lifesaver Materials

CDL Brochure

School Bus Driver Guide

Pedestrian Brochure

Driver Brochure

Spanish Pedestrian Brochure

Spanish Driver PSA



Kevin Burns – CT Operation Lifesaver State Coordinator

State of CT Department of Transportation

4 Brewery Street, Building 24, New Haven, CT 06511

203-497-3381 (office) / 860-202-9023 (cell)



Operation Lifesaver Incorporated

Address:   425 3rd St SW

Washington, DC 20024



