October 1, 2012 Taxicab Regulations

Public Act 12 - 81 (H.B. 5164)


Sections 52 - 54 – TAXICABS

The act makes several revisions to the taxicab statutes.  It increases the application fee for public convenience and necessity certificates from $88 to $2,000, and requires new applicants to operate at least three taxis.   It makes it a class A misdemeanor for anyone to (1) operate a taxi without obtaining a DOT certificate, or without obtaining authority to drive one from a certificate holder or (2) allow an unauthorized person to drive a taxi that is under his or her control.

The act also allows ConnDOT to impose a civil penalty of up to $100 a day per violation on a taxi driver who violates laws or regulations pertaining to taxi fares, service, operation, or equipment.  Current law allows imposition of this penalty on any person or an officer of any association, limited liability company, or corporation that violates these laws or regulations.  It further exempts taxis from the requirement that people who transport children of certain ages and sizes in motor vehicles use child restraint systems and increases the fee to sell or transfer a certificate from $88 to $1,000.  Finally, the act eliminates a law barring the Department from considering unregistered taxis as a reason to deny a request for additional taxis in a particular territory.

EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2012, except for the provisions making certain violations a class A misdemeanor, which are effective on passage.
