Don' Zone Out Connecticut Work Zone Safety
Awareness Week
April 2-6, 2007

The Connecticut Work Zone Safety Awareness campaign for 2007 is focusing on making sure motorists and workers alike pay attention to their surroundings.
How Significant is the Work Zone Safety Problem?
With nearly a 50% increase in work zone fatalities between 1997 and 2004, work zone safety is a growing roadway safety concern.  In the year 2004:
  • One work zone fatality every 8.2 hours (3 a day) - That’s a highway worker or motorist killed in a roadway construction work zone every eight hours.  And, more times than not, the fatality was the motorist not the highway worker.
  • One work zone injury every 9 minutes (160 a day) - That’s  more than 50,000 people injured in road construction zones in one year – enough to fill most major league baseball and football stadiums in the United States.
The Motorist Perspective
Connecticut statistics indicate that the highest percentages of work zone crashes are rear end collisions.  What does this mean to a motorist?  DON’T ZONE OUT.  You need to focus on driving and be aware of your surroundings.  Slow Down as you approach and drive through work zones  Always expect the unexpected.
The Worker Perspective
The 1,374 fatal highway incidents recorded in 2004, 25% were work zone related. ( As a worker on the road, you need to remember where you are at all times, Stay Aware, and always use high visibility safety gear.
Who Is Responsible for Work Zone Safety?
Everyone.  We all are responsible for safely getting through work zones.  We all must be alert and obey the traffic laws.  Passengers can help by acting responsibly, buckling up and not causing distractions for the driver.  Everyone should take responsibility for work zone safety.  Keep an eye out for sudden changes.  Keep the Music Down. Stay off the phone. 
The State of Connecticut is committed to not only reducing fatalities but also to reducing the number of crashed in work zones.  Though you may not lose your life in a crash, you may be seriously injured and life as you know it will be changed forever. 
The Connecticut Department of transportation, in cooperation with its numerous safety partners, wants you to drive safely.

Don't Zone Out,  Slow Down for work zones
