The primary mission of the Connecticut Department of Transportation is to provide a safe and efficient intermodal transportation network that improves the quality of life and promotes economic vitality for the State and region. Maintaining and improving upon the State's bridge inventory is necessary to accomplish this goal. A critical task for a bridge inventory to be in a good state of repair is the knowledge of each bridge's capacity to safely carry live loads in its current condition. A load rating package must provide this information in an accurate, organized, and standardized report. The information contained in this report is used for several purposes:

  • To determine which structures may require remedial action
  • To determine safe posting limits for structures with substandard load capacities
  • To assist in the most effective use of available resources for rehabilitation or replacement
  • To assist in permit vehicle reviews
  • To satisfy FHWA requirements that every structure in the State on the National Bridge Inventory has an associated load rating in accordance with the most recent AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation

Load Rating Section
Please direct all questions and inquiries to

For all AASHTOWare BrR issues please contact us at AASHTOWare BrR Feedback

CTDOT LRS Publications
Title Version Release Date Archived
Bridge Load Rating Manual

BLRM Summary of Changes
2018.1.0 03/29/2018 
Rating Aids 2018.1.0 03/29/2018
Methodology Sample 2018.1.0 03/29/2018
CTDOT BrR User Guide 2018.1.0 03/29/2018
Bridge Load Rating Form  2023.1.0 12/27/2023
CTDOT QA Checklist 2018.1.0 03/29/2018
For all feedback with the publications above please contact us at Publication Feedback

CTDOT Programs
Program Title Version Release Date Description Archived
CT-BeamEnd  v2.51 05/02/2018 Load rating of steel beam ends 
CT-LoadFactor  v2.0 06/01/2017 Determines live load factors
CT-MPipe  v1.5 03/24/2020 Flexible metal culvert program
(Created using PTC Mathcad Prime 4.0)
CT-Fill  v1.0 01/05/2018 Determine live load pressure through fill
CT-LR Review  v3.033 05/02/2018 Submission response template
CT-BrRResults  v10/17/2023 11/08/2023 Determines the critical locations from AASHTOWare BrR.
Has the capability to import to Bridge Load Rating Form.
For all feedback with the CTDOT Programs above please contact us at CTDOT Software Feedback

CTDOT Rating Software Templates
Software Version Release Date Contents Archived
AASHTOWare BrR 12/13/2021 Truck Templates
Analysis Settings
Control Settings
BWS Templates 
Midas Civil 2016  v2.2 01/03/2018 Truck templates using MCT Shells
Larsa 4D Bridge  v8.00.9010 01/01/2020 Truck library
For all feedback with the software templates above please contact us at CTDOT Template Feedback

The templates were created in the version listed. The templates may or may not be compatible with previous or future versions; therefore, the Load Rating Section cannot guarantee the templates will work with versions other than those listed.

Current Software Available to the Department
Software Version
AASHTOWare BrR 7.4.1
Midas Civil 2022 1.1
LARSA 4D 8.00 r9013
Mathcad 15 M040
Mathcad Prime

The software listed above is presented to provide insight as to what software the Department has access to with the goal of facilitating the decision-making process regarding which version of the software the LRE should consider using when performing load ratings. This list does not absolve the LRE from the responsibility of determining which software is most appropriate for the particular structure to be analyzed, nor does it relieve the LRE from the required LRS approval for use of any software outside of BrR, as stated in Section 13.1 of the BLRM. Additionally, this list does not absolve the LRE from meeting the requirements of Section 12.2.6 of the BLRM including but not limited to the sample proof calculations.
