General Program Information

What is the LOGO program?

A combination of a Specific Information Sign (the main blue service panel) and Business Panels (individual business Logo panels) to help inform motorists of nearby service businesses relating to Gas, Food, Lodging, and Camping.  Only your registered business name, symbol, or trademark is allowed.  An additional qualified supplemental message may also be allowed.

Is my business qualified for the LOGO program?

There are multiple factors relating to business qualifications. 

  1. Your business must meet all of the minimum requirements listed in Sec. 13a-124a-3 of the State Regulations for your business type. 
  2. Your business must be located in the vicinity of a qualified interchange
  3. If your business meets all of the previous requirements and you are still interested in participating in the LOGO program, you can apply for pre-approval at no cost by creating an account and submitting an application on the online application system.

My business does not qualify for the LOGO program.  Can my business be installed on an Attraction sign?

The Attraction signs are not part of the LOGO program.  For more information on the Attraction program, please click here.

What does it cost to participate in the LOGO program?

Applying for pre-approval is free. If your business qualifies and you receive pre-approval, the Department will provide you with additional information about fees and the sign installation process. If you receive pre-approval and decide to move forward with participating in the LOGO program, there will be a non-refundable $2,000 fee.
The fee does not cover costs associated with sign installation.
To apply for pre-approval please visit https://LogoSigns.dot.ct.gov/

Is there a waiver for a business that doesn’t meet all of the qualifications for a particular service?


When are Trailblazer signs required?

  1. Off-Ramps
    1. Trailblazer signs are installed if the business is not visible from the ramp termini.
    2. When the business is visible from the ramp termini, Trailblazer signs shall not be installed.
  2. Conventional Roadways
    1. Trailblazer signs are installed where a turn is required off of the roadway that intersects the ramp.  The Trailblazer sign is installed at the crossroad to indicate the required turn.


Can I have a Trailblazer sign (off-ramp or conventional roadway sign) installed without a mainline sign?



Where are the Specific Information Signs placed?

Specific Information Signs are installed along limited access highways, normally within one (1) mile in advance of an exit.  The signs are placed in the order of Camping, Lodging, Food, and Gas as observed in the direction of travel. 


My business is changing branding and I would like to change my Logo panels, what should I do?

The Department will have to review and approve all branding changes.  Please contact DOT.LogoSigns@ct.gov.


What supplemental messages are allowed on the Logo panel?

Only ONE supplemental message may be displayed such as:

  • Open 24 Hours
  • Drive Thru
  • Closed Sunday


Can a service within a service qualify?  For example, a food service within a gas facility.

Yes.  Both services must meet the qualifications for the associated service type. 


If a business with a Logo panel is purchased, can the new owner maintain the existing place on the Specific Information Sign?


Can a seasonal business participate?

Only Camping facilities can participate as a seasonal business.  The facility may be closed to the public for not more than 180 consecutive days between November 1 and the following May 1.


How far from the interchange can a business be located?

  • Gas facilities shall be located not more than 1 mile from the off-ramp terminus.
  • Food facilities shall be located not more than 2 miles from the off-ramp terminus.
  • Lodging facilities shall be located not more than 3 miles from the off-ramp terminus.
  • Camping facilities shall be located not more than 10 miles from the off-ramp terminus via a paved road.

What are the minimum requirements for a business to qualify?

Your business must meet all of the minimum requirements listed in Sec. 13a-124a-3 of the State Regulations for your business type. 


Why is there a limit to six Logo panels per service and per sign?

Signing limitations are as specified in the State Regulations Sec. 13a-124a-2.


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Applying to the LOGO Program


Is my business qualified for the LOGO program?

There are multiple factors relating to business qualifications. 

  1. Your business must meet all of the minimum requirements listed in Sec. 13a-124a-3 of the State Regulations for your business type. 
  2. Your business must be located in the vicinity of a qualified interchange
  3. If your business meets all of the previous requirements and you are still interested in participating in the LOGO program, you can apply for pre-approval at no cost by creating an account and submitting an application on the online application system.


Is there space available for my Logo panel?

  1. For existing Specific Information Signs:
    1. 4 Panel – If the 4 panel sign is full, it is possible to change the 4 panel sign to a 6 panel sign.
    2. 6 Panel – If the 6 panel sign is full, bumping rights are based on the closest six (6) qualified businesses from the off-ramp.
  2. Where no Specific Information Sign exists:
    1. New signs can be installed at qualifying interchanges where space permits.


What does it cost to participate in the LOGO program?

Applying for pre-approval is free. If your business qualifies and you receive pre-approval, the Department will provide you with additional information about fees and the sign installation process. If you receive pre-approval and decide to move forward with participating in the LOGO program, there will be a non-refundable $2,000 fee.
The fee does not cover costs associated with sign installation.
To apply for pre-approval please visit https://LogoSigns.dot.ct.gov/


Is there a waiver for a business that doesn’t meet all of the qualifications for a particular service?



Do I get to choose the placement of my Logo panel on the Specific Information Sign?



How do I apply?

  1. Ensure your business meets all of the minimum requirements listed in Sec. 13a-124a-3 of the State Regulations for your business type.  
  2. Ensure your business is located in the vicinity of a qualified interchange.  
  3. If your business meets all and you are still interested in participating in the LOGO program, go to: https://logosigns.dot.ct.gov/

      a. If you have not done so already, you will be required to Create a New User Id.

      b. Once you have an approved User Id and password (this can potentially take a couple days to be approved), log into the system.

      c. From the home screen of the application system, you can update your contact information, view/query all of your current and previous application requests, and submit an application.

      d. Navigate to the LOGO Application.

    1. When submitting an application, select the service type of your business from the drop-down menu.
    2. Fill out the remainder of the application as completely as possible.
      • Some fields are required.
      • Only the qualified interchanges can be selected.If you don’t see the interchange or direction, you’re looking for in the drop-down, then that interchange does not qualify for signing.
    3. Once complete, submit the application.

      e. The Department will review your application for pre-approval.  Should your business qualify for pre-approval, the Department will provide you with the next steps, including fees, for your business to participate in the LOGO program by email.

      f. Should you have any questions throughout the process, please go to the Contact Us page in the application system or submit an email to DOT.LogoSigns@ct.gov and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


How do I apply for an encroachment permit?

More information relating to the encroachment permit process can be found here:  https://www.ct.gov/dot/cwp/view.asp?A=1394&Q=259544


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Fabrication and Installation


Who makes the Logo panel(s)?

The applying business must provide the Logo panel artwork to the Department for review and approval.  The applying business is then required to hire a company to fabricate the Logo panel(s) to meet the Department’s standards for sign sheeting.


How do I choose a sign fabricator and what does it cost to have a Specific Information Sign, Trailblazer sign(s), and Logo panel(s) made?

Choosing a sign fabricator is up to the applying business.  The specifications relating to materials and size will be provided upon final approval and are also noted in the specifications question.  A new Specific Information Sign can typically cost $15,000 - $25,000.

Can the Department fabricate and/or install a Specific Information Sign, Trailblazer sign, and/or Logo panel?



Who installs the Specific Information Sign, Trailblazer sign(s), and/or Logo panel(s)?

All LOGO program signs are installed by a Contractor hired by the applying business following the encroachment permit process.


How do I apply for an encroachment permit?

More information relating to the encroachment permit process can be found here:  https://www.ct.gov/dot/cwp/view.asp?A=1394&Q=259544


Where are the Specific Information Signs placed?

Specific Information Signs are installed along limited access highways, normally within one (1) mile in advance of an exit.  The signs are placed in the order of Camping, Lodging, Food, and Gas as observed in the direction of travel. 



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