For Providers

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  • Birth to Three

    Medicaid Reimbursement information for the Birth to Three program.

  • Certificate of Need (CON)

    The Department of Social Services is responsible for the Certificate of Need (CON) process for nursing homes, residential care homes and intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

  • Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP) State Plan Amendment

    HUSKY B is Connecticut’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP, also known as Title XXI). HUSKY B provides a free or low cost health insurance program for children and youth up to age 19 for families who are not income eligible for HUSKY A.

  • Community Living Arrangements (CLA)

    Community Living Arrangements (CLA) also known as group homes, offer individuals the opportunity to live in the community.

  • Continuing Care Facility

    Continuing Care Facility (CCF) are required to register with the Department of Social Service by filing required disclosure documents. The Disclosure Statement provides residents the necessary information regarding the nature of the program, financial considerations, rights and privileges under the Residency Agreement.

  • CRF Grants

    Coronavirus Relief Fund Payments

  • CT Medical Assistance Program

    This site provides important information to health care providers about the Connecticut Medical Assistance Program. This site contains a wealth of resources for providers including enrollment, billing manuals, bulletins, program regulations, plus information on Electronic Data Interchange and the Automated Eligibility Verification System.

  • CT Pharmacy Services

    Information for pharmacy and health care providers, along with others interested in pharmacy-specific program information of the CT Medical Assistance Program (CTMAP), is available on the CTMAP website. This includes an extensive variety of topics, including Preferred Drug List Information and the Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee.

  • DSS_PCACertificationTest_SPAN

  • Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Medicaid Reimbursement

    Federally Qualified Health Centers provide health care for uninsured and underserved populations. Reimbursement and CON is responsible for review of FQHC cost reports, and establishment of Medicaid reimbursement.


    Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) Medicaid

  • Medicaid Methadone Clinic Reimbursement

    The Office of Reimbursement and Certificate of Need (CON) is responsible for establishing Medicaid reimbursement methodologies for chemical maintenance clinics (methadone).

  • Medicaid Nursing Home Reimbursement

    Under the Connecticut Medicaid program, payment rates for nursing homes are set on a cost-based prospective basis in accordance with Section 17b-340 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Section 17-311-52 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

  • Medicaid Nursing Home Reimbursement Modernization Acuity Based Methodology

    The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) will be transitioning nursing facility reimbursement from a cost-based methodology to a prospective acuity-based or case mix, payment system. Visit this webpage for more information.

  • Nursing Facility Cost Reports

    Connecticut Medicaid Rate Setting Reimbursement and CON Unit Nursing Home Cost Reports.
