Combating the Opioid Crisis

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Combating Opioid Addiction and Overdoses in CT


Connecticut is stepping up efforts to combat opioid addiction and overdoses. Lt. Governor Bysiewicz has been traveling the state, participating in roundtable discussions with families, treatment providers, and law enforcement, to address the crisis.


Governor and Lt Governor Combatting the Opiod Crisis in CT


Lt. Governor Bysiewicz plays a major role in the state’s effort to fight opioid addiction. The effort includes:

  • A statewide awareness campaign called “LiveLOUD - Live Life with Opioid Use Disorder" - This campaign seeks to reduce the stigma associated with opioid addiction and encourage people to get help.
  • A new smartphone app called "Naloxone and Overdose Response (NORA)" - NORA gives people information about how to identify and respond to an opioid overdose. Resources include a directory of naloxone distribution sites and a map of overdose prevention resources.

    Learn more about Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz


Key Initiatives