Research and Reporting Unit

Meeting with researcher team

Find OHS data and reports

The Research and Reporting Unit works for transparency in Connecticut’s healthcare delivery system by collecting and sharing data. This data is used to support timely and affordable quality care for residents while protecting their privacy. Providers, residents, researchers, policy makers, and others use our systems to report and find data they need.

The unit oversees these programs and resources:
  • All-Payer Claims Database (APCD)
  • Hospital Reporting System (HRS)
  • Patient discharge data
  • Large medical group practices data
  • Prescription Drug Cost Transparency (PDCT)
  • Facility fees
  • HealthscoreCT

Research and Reporting Unit links

All-Payer Claims Database 

Visit the APCD page to learn about this program and submit or request insurance claim data.

Hospital Reporting System (HRS) 

Use this web application to access and to report your hospital’s annual and 12-month reports. 

Patient discharge data 

Learn about the Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data Program and submit or request provider encounter data.

Group practices filing data 

Learn about large group practices filings, including laws, due dates, and qualifying hospitals. Get filing links and materials.

Prescription Drug Cost Transparency 

Report required information on new prescription drugs and view reports on the most costly drugs to state employees and residents enrolled in Medicaid.

Facility fees 

Learn which billed and charged facility fees your facility should report, how to file them, and how to access reported information.


HealthscoreCT helps residents evaluate the quality, costs, and affordability of healthcare services and coverage they need.

Main Office

Address: 450 Capitol Avenue, MS#51OHS Hartford, CT 06134

Hours of All Units: Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Phone: 860-418-7001
