Unit 5 - Algebra I Curriculum - Math
Teacher Resources
Investigation 1
- Overview
- Activity 5.1.1 Hurricanes
- Activity 5.1.2 Homerun Hitters
- Activity 5.1.3 More Histograms
- Activity 5.1.4 Five-Number Summary
- Activity 5.1.5 Outliers and the 1.5 X IQR Rule
- Activity 5.1.6a Box-and-Whisker Plots
- Activity 5.1.6b Box-and-Whisker Plots
- Activity 5.1.7 Test Grades
Investigation 2
- Overview
- Activity 5.2.1 Sea Level Rise
- Activity 5.2.2 Scatter Plots and Trend Lines
- Activity 5.2.3 TV Watching, Homework and Test Scores
- Activity 5.2.4 Height and Shoe Size
Investigation 3
- Overview
- Activity 5.3.1 Fitting Lines with Technology
- Activity 5.3.2 Evolution of the Telephone
- Activity 5.3.3 Correlation and Causation
- Activity 5.3.4a Shark Attacks Courtroom Scene
- Activity 5.3.4b Shark Attack Worksheet
- Activity 5.3.5 Regression Equation Practice
Investigation 4
- Overview
- Activity 5.4.1 Forensic Anthropology
- Activity 5.4.2 Rubber Bands
- Activity 5.4.3a Stadium Wave
- Activity 5.4.3b Stadium Wave
- Activity 5.4.4 Balloons
- Activity 5.4.5 Walking Away
- Activity 5.4.6 Population Representation
- Activity 5.4.7 Conducting an Experiment
Investigation 5
- Overview
- Activity 5.5.1 Outliers
- Activity 5.5.2 Barry Bonds Home Runs
- Activity 5.5.3 Home Prices
- Activity 5.5.4 Chicago Bulls
- Activity 5.5.5 Crickets Chirping
- Activity 5.5.6 Sea Glass
- The Outlier Game