Unit 8 - Algebra I Curriculum - Math
Teacher Resources
Investigation 1
- Overview
- Activity 8.1.1 Quadratics in the Kitchen
- Activity 8.1.2 Modeling HIV Data
- Activity 8.1.3 Rolling Ball CBR
- Activity 8.1.4 Quadratic Functions by Table
- Activity 8.1.5 Social Security Trust Fund
- Activity 8.1.6 Exploring the Parameters of y = ax^2 + bx + c
- Activity 8.1.7 Galileo in Dubai
Investigation 2
- Overview
- Activity 8.2.1a Design a Solar Cooker
- Activity 8.2.1b Design a Solar Cooker
- Activity 8.2.2 Graphing Quadratic Functions in Vertex Form
- Activity 8.2.3 Exploring Parameters with Geometers Sketchpad
- Activity 8.2.4 Modeling with Quadratic Functions in Vertex Form
- Activity 8.2.5a Ball Bounce TI-84+
- Activity 8.2.5b Ball Bounce TI-NSpire
- Activity 8.2.6 Transforming Functions in Standard Form to Vertex Form
Investigation 3
- Overview
- Activity 8.3.1 Fenway Park
- Activity 8.3.2 Square Root Property
- Activity 8.3.3 Two Step Equations - Square Root Property
- Activity 8.3.4 Multi-Step Equations - Square Root Property
- Activity 8.3.5 Finding x-intercepts of Parabolas
- Activity 8.3.6 Solving Quadratic Equations in Standard Form
Investigation 4
- Overview
- Activity 8.4.1 Functions in Factored Form
- Activity 8.4.2 Finding the Maximum Profit
- Activity 8.4.3 Password
- Activity 8.4.4 Writing Quadratic Functions in Factored Form
- Activity 8.4.5 Multiplying Polynomials
- Activity 8.4.6 Standard Form for Quadratic Functions
- Algebra Tiles Instructions for Investigation 4
Investigation 5
- Overview
- Activity 8.5.1 Finding Common Monomial Factors
- Activity 8.5.2 Factoring Trinomials
- Activity 8.5.3 Find Your Match
- Activity 8.5.4 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
- Activity 8.5.5 Building Fences