Engineering and Construction Information Resources


Specifications and Standards

Form 816/Form 817/Form 818/Form 819 (Standard Specifications) with Supplements 

Standard Drawings


Plans, Policies, Regulations

Connecticut Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan  |  Locally Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan  |  Long Range Transportation Plan  |  Strategic Highway Safety Plan  |  Transportation Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan |  Procedure Manual for New or Revised Interstate Access Approval in Connecticut  |  Policy and Procedures for Property Maps  |  Public Service Facility Policy and Procedures for Highways  |  Office of State Traffic Administration Regulations  |  Environmental Review Request (ECPPD-2017-1)


Engineering & Construction - Policy & Planning Directives

Expedited Permit Need Determination Form (PNDF)

Process for Projects (2017-1)

Assignment of Coordinated Environmental Roles (ECPPD-2017-2)

ECPPD-2020-1 Project Risk and Permitting

ECPPD-2021-1 Guidance for Advancing Projects Affected by the Pause in Tribal Consultation due to COVID-19

ECPPD-2022-1 Air Quality Conformance Determination Coordination and Communication

ECPPD-2022-2 Guidance for Conditionally Advanced Projects during the Pause in Tribal Consultation due to COVID-19

ECPPD-2023-1 Implementation of CTDEEP Construction Stormwater General Permit


Engineering & Construction - Policy & Planning Bulletins

Interagency Coordination Meeting Guidance (ECPPB-2017-1)

Please visit Policy and Planning’s Office of Environmental Planning webpage for this information under the Environmental Planning Unit section as the link in the directive is no longer valid.

PPB-2021-1 Updated Categorical Exclusion Programmatic Agreement and Categorical Exclusion Checklist

PPB-2022-1 Standard Operating Procedure for Determining Ordinary High Water (OHW)


Engineering & Construction/Public Transportation/Finance & Administration

ECPTFAD-2023-1 Public Transportation Project Delivery Through Bureau of Engineering & Construction


Engineering & Construction/Highway Operations/Policy and Planning

ECHOPPD-2023-1 Electronic Traffic Signal Maintenance Records (M88s)


Engineering & Construction Directives

Framework for Guidance and Direction (2015-1-EC)

Consulting Engineer Staff Wage Rate Changes Cost Plus Fixed Fee Agreement (2015-2-EC)

Standard Specifications Committee and Specifications (2015-3-EC)

Alternative Project Delivery Advisory Committee (2015-4-EC)

Release of CAD Files (2015-5-EC)  Superseded By Electronic Engineering Data Delivery, Phase 1 (ECD-2017-4)

Proprietary Products in Construction Contracts (ECD-2016-1)  Superseded By ECD-2021-3

Plans-In-Hand Review (ECD-2016-2) Superseded by ECD-2023-5

Online Stormwater Discharge Permit Registration System (ECD-2016-3)

Coding FHWA Participating and Non-Participating Costs (ECD-2016-4)

Minimum Daily Liquidated Damage Rates (ECD-2016-5)

Design Issue Procedure (ECD-2016-6)

Construction Contract Time Determination (ECD-2016-7)

Delegation of Authority (ECD-2016-8) Superseded By ECD-2019-10

Use of All-Inclusive Drainage Items in Contract (ECD-2017-1)

Implementation of Smart Work Zones Guide (ECD-2017-2) Superseded by ECD-2023-6

Conversion to Digital Contractor Submissions (ECD-2017-3) Superseded By ECD-2020-1

Electronic Engineering Data Delivery, Phase 1 (ECD-2017-4)

Emergency Declaration Procedures (ECD-2018-1) 

Penetrating Sealer Protective Compound (ECD-2018-2)

ECD-2019-1 Revised Minimum Daily Liquidated Damage Rates Superseded By ECD-2021-4 

ECD-2019-2 Revised Consulting Engineer Staff Wage Rate Changes Superseded By ECD-2021-5 


ECD-2019-4 Bridge Design Standard Practice for Low-Permeability Concrete, Revised Concrete Mix Classes, and New Pay Items for Cast-In-Place Concrete Bridge Components

ECD-2019-6 Contractor Quality Control Implementation

ECD-2019-7 Assignment of Prequalification Work Classifications

ECD-2019-8 Process for Determining MASH-Compliant Roadside Safety Hardware

ECD-2019-9 Unmanned Aircraft Systems

ECD-2019-10 Delegation of Authority Superseded by ECD-2022-3

ECD-2019-11 Procedures for Identifying and Removing Encroachments within Project Limits

ECD-2019-12 Managing Project Staff in COMPASS

ECD-2019-13 Proposed Roadway Closures

ECD-2020-1 Contractor Submittals

ECD-2020-2 Advanced Authorization Directive

ECD-2020-3 Enhancements to CE Solicitation and Negotiations Processes

ECD-2020-4 Delegation of Authority Superseded by ECD-2022-3

ECD-2021-1 Milestone Incentives and Milestone Liquidated Damages on Construction Projects

ECD-2021-2 Value Engineering Program Revision

ECD-2021-3 Proprietary Products in Construction Contracts

ECD-2021-4 Updated Minimum Daily Liquidated Damage Rates Superseded by ECD-2023-2

ECD-2021-5 Consultant Engineer Staff Wage Rate Changes For Consulting Engineering Agreements

ECD-2021-6 Highway Boundary Markers

ECD-2021-7 New Temporary Traffic Barrier Standard Sheets

ECD-2021-8 New Bridge Design Standard Practice Post-Installed Adhesive Bonded Anchors and Dowels

ECD-2022-1 Project Document Control

ECD-2022-2 AASHTOWare Project Software for Construction and Materials and Civil Rights and Labor Superseded by ECD-2022-5

ECD-2022-3 Delegation of Authority

ECD-2022-4 Design-Build Conflict of Interest and Unfair Competitive Advantage Evaluation

ECD-2022-5 Updated AASHTOWare Project Software for Construction and Materials and Civil Rights and Labor

ECD-2022-6 Owned Special Provisions to Address Buy America Build America Act Requirements

ECD-2023-1 Incidental Cost Percentages (2023)

ECD-2023-2 Updated Minimum Daily Liquidated Damage Rates

ECD-2023-3 Calculations for Incidental Costs Associated with Municipal Systems Projects (MSAT)

ECD-2023-4 Negotiations Fee/Proposal Request Form

ECD-2023-5 Plans-In-Hand Field Review

ECD-2023-6 Update On Implementation of Smart Work Zones Guide and Smart Work Zone Determination Matrix

ECD-2023-7 Directives for Managing Consultant Agreements

ECD-2023-8 Complete Streets Controlling Design Criteria and Justification Process

ECD-2023-9 Project Asset Form - Identifying Work Types and Work Codes by Asset 


Engineering and Construction Bulletins

Mileage Reimbursement Rate (ECB-2016-1)

Revised Special Provisions, Construction Field Office/Furnishings and Equipment (ECB-2016-2)

Implementation of Standard Specifications, Form 817 (ECB-2016-3)

Cost of Living Adjustments - Cost Plus Fixed Fee Consulting Engineer Agreements (ECB-2016-4) Superseded

Buy America Clarification and Guidance (ECB-2016-5)

Bituminous Concrete Specifications, Sections 4.06 and M.04 (ECB-2016-6) Superseded

Revised Special Provision Control and Removal of Invasive Vegetation (ECB-2017-1)

Membership Change, Alternative Project Delivery Advisory Committee (ECB-2017-3)

Channel Bottom Material Updates (ECB-2017-4)

Owned Special Provisions Sections 6.03 (Structural Steel) and M.06 (Metals) (ECB-2018-1)

New and Revised Interstate Access Approval (ECB-2018-2)

Electronic Engineering Data Delivery Extended Goal (ECB-2018-3)

Equipment Watch Access (ECB-2018-4)

Incidental Cost Percentages (2018) (ECB-2018-5) Superseded by ECD-2023-1

Update of Stewardship Implementation Manual (May 2018) (ECB-2018-6) (Superseded by ECB-2019-9)

Revised Bituminous Concrete Specifications, Sections 4.06 and M.04 (ECB-2018-7)

Public Involvement for FHWA Categorical Exclusion Projects Quick Reference Guide (ECB-2018-8) (Updated 01/02/2019)

Requirements for use of Digger Derricks (ECB-2019-1)

Review Process for Preliminary Permit Plan Sets (ECB-2019-2)

ECB-2019-9 Update of Stewardship Implementation Manual (July 2019) (Superseded by ECB-2021-4)

ECB-2019-10 New Owned Special Provision Metallizing Structural Steel

ECB-2020-1 Implementation of Standard Specifications, Form 818

ECB-2020-2 July 2020 Supplements to the Standard Specifications, Form 818

ECB-2021-1 Drainage Network Data Availability

ECD-2021-2 January 2021 Supplements to the Standard Specifications, Form 818

ECB-2021-3 July 2021 Supplements to Form 818

ECB-2021-4 Update of Stewardship Implementation Manual (October 2021)

ECB-2021-5 Office of Construction Organizational Clarification

ECB-2022-1 January 2022 Supplements to the Standard Specifications, Form 818

ECB-2022-2 July 2022 Supplements to the Standard Specifications, Form 818

ECB-2022-3 Water Pollution Control Item Design and Estimating Guidance

ECB-2023-1 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Signs

ECB-2023-2 January 2023 Supplements to the Standard Specifications, Form 818

ECB-2023-3 July 2023 Supplements to the Standard Specifications, Form 818

ECB-2023-4 Implementation of Bridge Assets in Project Asset Form

ECB-2023-5 Implementation of Traffic Signal Asset Form

ECB-2023-6 Digital Project Development Manual Capital Project Delivery Using CT-Atlas 2.0, COMPASS, Bluebeam Revu, and Microsoft Project

ECB-2023-7 OEP Submittal Templates in the Updated Contractor’s COMPASS User Manual

ECB-2024-1 Form 819


Engineering Directives

Development, Approval, and Use of Standard Sheets and Guide Sheets/Details (2015-1-E)

Revised Standard Sheets Issued (2015-2-E)

Revised Traffic Engineering Guide Sheets Available (2015-3-E)

Digital Review of Design Submissions (2015-4-E)

Use of "Safety and Public Convenience" Special Provision (2015-5-E)

State Funded Municipal Projects, Requirements for Right of Way Acquisitions (2015-6-E)

Use of "PDF Checker" Software (2015-7-E)

Design Phase Scheduling (2015-8-E) Updated By ED-2021-1

Employee Expectations Meeting (ED-2016-1) Superseded By ED-2018-2 Employee Expectations Meeting (2018 Update)

Advertising-Phase Activities (ED-2016-2)

Type D Portable Impact Attenuation System (ED-2016-3)

DBE Participation in Engineering Agreements (ED-2016-4)

Employee Time Record Keeping and Project Billings (ED-2016-5)

Consultant Design Administration Manual (ED-2016-6)   

MASH Implementation:  Additional Information, Phase One (ED-2017-1)  

Storing Engineering Project Documents in Projectwise (ED-2017-2)  

Consolidating Contract Plan Discipline Subsets (ED-2018-1)  

ED-2018-2 Employee Expectations Meeting (2018 Update)

Revised Connecticut Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel Needs Assessment Form (ED-2018-3) Superseded by ED-2023-1

Fencing at Bridges (ED-2018-4)

ED-2019-5 Project Cost Estimates

ED-2019-6 Proper Use and Selection of Items Relating to "Handling Water" and "Cofferdam and Dewatering"

ED-2019-7 Accessibility Guidelines in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG)

ED-2019-8 Department of Transportation Separate Storm Sewer Systems (DOT MS4) Procedures

ED-2019-9 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Agreements

ED-2020-1 Bridge Design Standard Practice for Parapet and Railing Design on Bridges and Retaining Walls

ED-2020-2 Review and Approval of Bridge Inspection Reports

ED-2020-3 Utility Cost Share Determination

ED-2020-4 Procedures to Identify Releases, Transfers and Abandonments During the Design Phase of State Projects

ED-2020-5 CONNECT Digital Design Environment (CAD Standards) for Capital Projects

ED-2020-6 Office of Engineering Document Templates Superseded By ED-2022-6

ED-2021-1 Update Design-Phase Scheduling

ED-2022-1 Inclusion of Bridge Element Quantities and Sketches for Bridge Safety Inspection in Final Design Documents

ED-2022-2 Updated Office of Engineering Document Templates

ED-2023-1 Revised Connecticut Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel Needs Assessment Form

ED-2023-2 Negotiations Fee/Proposal Request Form Superseded by ECD-2023-4 

ED-2023-3 Utility Cost Share Determination

ED-2023-4 New Bridge Design Standard Practice Elimination of Tables for Field Welds and Concrete Quantities

ED-2023-5 New Bridge Design Standard Practice Requirements for Foundations

ED-2024-1 New Bridge Design Standard Practice Existing Bearing Replacement and Rehabilitation

ED-2024-2 Standard Practice for Design of Culvert Rehabilitation

ED-2024-3 New Bridge Design Standard Practice - Gutter Line Sealing for Bridges/Sawing and Sealing Joints

ED-2024-4 CTDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel Needs Assessment (BPTNA) Form


Engineering Bulletins

Revised Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets Issued (EB-2015-1)

Precipitation Frequency Estimates (EB-2015-2)

2016 Cost Estimating Guidelines (EB-2016-1)

Fiscal Year 2017 Local Bridge Program Manual (EB-2016-2)

Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) Guidelines (EB-2016-3)

Availability and Use of Bridge Load Rating Manual (EB-2016-4)

Change in Cutoff Time for Submitting Pre-Bid Questions through Web Page (EB-2016-5)

Update of Design-Phase Schedule Template (EB-2016-6)  Updated By ED-2021-1

Superpave Traffic Level Information in Contract Documents (EB-2016-7)

Revisions to the Bridge Inspection Manual (EB-2016-8)

2017 Cost Estimating Guidelines (EB-2017-1)

Revisions to Bridge Inspection Manual (May 2017) (EB-2017-2)

Interim Guidance:  MASH Implementation, Roadside Barriers (EB-2017-3)

Revised Highway Standard Sheets Issued (June 2017) (EB-2017-4)

Revised Traffic Sheets Issued (June 2017) (EB-2017-5)

Accelerated Bridge Construction Decision Matrix (EB-2017-6)  

Information Requirements, Environmental Compliance Task 100 Reports (EB-2018-1)

Revised Bridge Load Rating Manual (EB-2018-2)

Revised Traffic Guide Sheets (EB-2018-3)

Revised Traffic Standard Sheets Issued (EB-2018-4)

Process for Obtaining a Waiver of Right-Of-Way (ROW) Activities (EB-2018-5)

Revised Highway Standard & Guide Sheets Issued (EB-2019-1)

Revisions to Bridge Inspection Manual (EB-2019-2)

EB-2019-3 PE and CN Project Authorization Letters (PAL) and Authorization to Award Letters

EB-2019-4 April 2019 Local Bridge Program Manual

EB-2019-5 Notice to Contractor Pre-Bid Site Visit Metro North

EB-2019-6 Revised Bridge Design Manual

EB-2019-7 Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) Guidelines

EB-2019-8 Revised Highway Standard & Guide Sheets Issued

EB-2019-9 Signing Guidelines

EB-2010-10 Update of Design-Phase Schedule Template

EB-2019-11 Revised Highway Standard & Guide Sheets Issued

EB-2019-12 Bridge Inspection Manual Revision No. 4

EB-2019-13 Revisions to the Bridge Design Manual

EB-2020-1 January 2020 Revised Geotechnical Manual

EB-2020-2 Revised Highway Standard & Guide Sheets Issued

EB-2020-3 Highway Design Manual Revisions Superseded by EB-2023-1

EB-2020-4 Revised Highway Standard & Guide Sheets Issued

EB-2020-5 Virtual Public Information Meeting Guidance  

EB-2021-1 Owned Special Provisions Reposted

EB-2021-2 Revised Traffic Guide Sheets, Sign Catalog, and Special Provisions Available

EB-2021-3 Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) Guidelines

EB-2022-1 Revised and New Highway Standard Sheets Issued

EB-2022-2 Life-Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA) Guidelines

EB-2022-3 Revised Highway Standard and Guide Sheets Issued 

EB-2022-4 Revision to the Bridge Design Manual

EB-2023-1 Highway Design Manual Revisions Superseded by EB-2023-4

EB-2023-2 Retaining Wall Inventory and Assessment Guidelines 2023

EB-2023-3 Doing Business with CTDOT - SharePoint Access for Consultants, Municipalities and Council of Governments

EB-2023-4 Highway Design Manual Revisions

EB-2024-1 Illumination at Marked Midblock Crosswalks

EB-2024-2 Revised Highway & Guide Sheets Issued

EB-2024-3 Revised Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets Issued


Construction Directives

Construction Procedure for Internal use of Electronic Signatures (CD-2016-1)

Work Zone Safety, Rolling Road Block Procedure (CD-2016-2)

Reporting on Project Milestones and Key Dates (CD-2016-3)

Task-Based Consultant Services, Construction Engineering Inspection (CD-2016-4)

Construction Division Use of ProjectWise for Storage of Project Documents (CD-2016-5)

Project Summary Reports (CD-2016-6)

Construction Employee Time Record Keeping and Project Billings (CD-2017-1)

Construction Manual Update/Version 3.0 January 2017 (CD-2017-2)

Revised Contractor Performance Evaluation Form and Guide (2017) (CD-2017-3) Superseded By CD-2020-5

Construction Engineering and Inspection Pamphlet for Consultant Engineers, Feb. 2017 Edition (CD-2017-4) Updated By CB-2022-4

Revised Construction Order Processing and Documentation Requirements for FTA-Funded Projects (CD-2017-5)

Project Modifications and Contingency Management (CD-2017-6)

ProjectWise Credential Requests for Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) Consultants (CD-2017-7)

Consultant Solicitation Request for the Office of Construction (CD-2017-8)

Policies and Procedures for the Acquisition and Management of CTDOT-Purchased Computing Devices (CD-2017-9) Superseded By CD-2022-7

Construction Division Procedures for the Use of Electronic and Digital Signatures (CD-2017-10)

Overtime Use and Approval (CD-2018-1)

Construction Division Procedures for the Use of Electronic and Digital Signatures (CD-2018-2)

CD-2019-1 Storage of Project Related Documents in ProjectWise

CD-2019-2 Construction Manual Update/Version 3.1 January 2020 Superseded By CD-2021-2

CD-2020-1 COVID-19 Field Staff Awareness Directive 

CD-2020-2 COVID-19 Field Staff Awareness Directive Amended

CD-2020-3 Testing of In-Place Unbound Materials

CD 2020-4 Project Modifications and Contingency Management – Amended and Supplemented

CD-2020-5 Revised Contractor Evaluation Form and Instructions (2020)

CD-2020-6 New Incident Report Form Updated By CB-2022-3

CD-2020-7 Construction Employee Expectations Meeting Superseded By CD-2022-4

CD-2021-1 Contractor Evaluation Form Now Available On-line 

CD-2021-2 Construction Manual Update/Version 3.2 January 2021

CD-2021-3 Revised Time Extension Approval Memorandum

CD-2021-4 Updated Incidental Cost Percentages (2018) Amendment to ECB-2018-5 Superseded by ECD-2023-1 

CD-2021-5 Procedures to Request Use of DOT Excess Property or Buildings for Project Use

CD-2022-1 Electronic File Naming Conventions

CD-2022-2 Notice of Utility Work Relocation Rescinded 3/22/2022

CD-2022-3 Construction Manual Update/Version 3.3 January 2022

CD-2022-4 Updated Construction Employee Expectations Meeting

CD-2022-5 Electronic Submissions for Modification to Pre-Award Commitments

CD-2022-6 Update to the Acceptance of Work (CON-500 and CON-500M) Supplemented by CB-2023-2

CD-2022-7 Procedures for CEI Computing Devices on CEI Inspected Projects and the Acquisition and Management of CTDOT-Purchased Computing Devices on CTDOT Projects

CD-2023-1 AASHTOWare Project Agency User Manual Version 2.0 Release

CD-2023-2 Revisions to Construction Manual Appendix C List of Standard Correspondence

CD-2024-1 Final Material Certification Procedure


Construction Bulletins

Revisions to Extension of Time Approval Memorandum (CB-2016-1) Superseded By CD-2021-3

eConstruction (CB-2016-2)

Field Office Device Order Form and Field Office Date line Setup Form (CB-2016-3)

2015 OOC Performance Record (CB-2016-4)

Revised Construction Site Environmental Inspection Report (CB-2016-5)

Guidance for the Visual Inspection of Foreign Steel (CB-2017-1)

New CLA-12 - Request to Subcontract Form (Rev 07-2018)  (CB-2018-1)

Post Construction Reviews (PCRs) – Updated Guidance (CB-2018-2)

New Non-Compliance/Compliance Notice Form (CB-2019-1)

CB-2019-2 State Police Services for Work Zone Safety

CB-2020-1 Revised DMT Procedures Due to COVID-19

CB-2020-2 Division of Materials Testing (DMT) Notification of Off-Site Fabrication of Project Materials 

CB-2021-1 Electronic Project File Storage Update

CB-2022-1 Contractor Evaluation Form New Quick Start Guide

CB-2022-2 Electronic Submission for Requests to Subcontract (CLA-12) Superseded By CB-2022-5

CB-2022-3 Updated Incident Report Form Superseded by CB-2023-4

CB-2022-4 Updated CEI Request Forms and Informational Pamphlet

CB-2022-5 Updated Electronic Submission for Requests to Subcontract (CLA-12) Supplemented by CB-2023-8

CB-2023-1 Division of Construction Operations Subletting, Civil Rights and Construction Management System Contacts

CB-2023-2 Electronic Submissions for Certification of Acceptance of Work (CON-500)

CB-2023-3 Division of Construction Operations Subletting, Civil Rights, Pre-Award Modification CRD15-1 Forms Superseded By CB-2023-12

CB-2023-4 Updated Incident Report Form

CB-2023-5 Materials Evaluation and Specifications Unit (MESU) COMPASS Workflows

CB-2023-6 Lump Sum Item Administration in AASHTOWare Project Construction and Materials

CB-2023-7 Materials Evaluation and Specifications Unit (MESU) Testing Reminders and Updates

CB-2023-8 Electronic Submissions for Requests to Sublet (CLA-12)   Superseded By CB-2023-10

CB-2023-9 Post Construction Reviews (PCRs) - Updated Review Form

CB-2023-10 Updated Electronic Submissions for Requests to Sublet (CLA12)

CB-2023-11 Modifications to Material Associations of Contract Items

CB-2023-12 Electronic Submissions for Requests to Modify DBE/SBE Pre-Award Commitments

CB-2024-1 Change Orders and CEI Solicitation Requests to DCO



Bridge Design Manual

Railroad Bridge Inspection Manual

Bridge Inspection Manual

Bridge Load Rating Manual

Construction Contract Bidding & Award Manual

Consultant Design Administration Manual

Digital Project Development Manual

Drainage Manual

Geotechnical Manual

Highway Design Manual

Local Bridge Program Manual

Location Survey Manual

Professional Services, Consultant Selection Procedures Manual

Public Involvement Guidance Manual

Stormwater Quality Manual

Traffic Control Signal Design Manual

Utility Accommodation Manual



Constructability Review Program

Cost Estimating Guidelines

Digital Design Environment Guide

Guidelines, Advertising-Phase Activities

Guidelines for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control

Guidelines for the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) November 2021

SELECTSeries Digital Design Environment

Price Adjustment (Asphalt, Fuel) Guidance

Programmatic Agreement for Certain Categorical Exclusions and Fact Sheet rev. September 2015

Project Development Guide

Public Involvement Procedures

Value Engineering Program

Public Involvement for FHWA Categorical Exclusions Quick Reference Guide

Review Process for Preliminary Permit Plan Sets

Guidelines for Aesthetic Objects and Treatments within CTDOT ROW (Public Art)

Life Cycle Cost Analysis Guidance for CTDOT Bridge Projects


Other Information

AASHTOWare Product information

Connecticut Crash Data Repository (CTCDR)


Connecticut Coordinate System

Consulting Engineer General Memoranda

Department District Boundaries (Map)

Functional Classification Maps

Highway Log

Maps (Transportation Related)

National Highway System (Connecticut) Map

Pavement-related Documents

Performance Measures (Department)

Posted Speeds, Town Roads

Qualified Product List

Roadside Safety

Specifications for Aerial Photography and Photogrammetric Mapping

Stewardship Agreement (Joint Stewardship & Oversight Agreement)

Traffic Engineering Special Provisions
