News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation
12/20/2006 | In general, on major expressways any maintenance or construction operation that is considered an interference with normal traffic movements will not be permitted on dates and times noted below. |
12/19/2006 | Connecticut Department of Transportation employees have just capped their most successful effort yet in support of the Governor’s Care and Share food drive – donating more food and money to Connecticut Food Banks than in any previous year. |
12/7/2006 |
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) and the Metro-North Railroad (MNR) today released results from the annual customer survey on the New Haven rail line. At the Metro-North Committee Meeting in New York City, the results were presented along with results from the Harlem and Hudson rail lines. |
11/27/2006 | Newington, Conn. – The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) is preparing an Airport Master Plan Update (AMPU) and FAR Part 150 Noise Study for the Waterbury-Oxford Airport (OXC). |
11/20/2006 |
This project will create an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible railroad station with parking for approximately 1000 commuters. Under this project, the State will be responsible for creating a pedestrian track crossing either over or under the railroad. A passenger drop off area and high level platforms on both sides of the tracks are also included. The station will be bordered to the north by I-95, to the east by Bayer Pharmaceuticals Campus, to the south by Metro North Railroad and to the west by Marsh Hill Road. |
11/9/2006 |
The Connecticut Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Town of Wilton will be holding a public information meeting to discuss the reconstruction and widening of U.S. Route 7 from Wolfpit Road (Route 106) to Olmstead Hill Road. |
10/20/2006 | Stratford/Milford Connecticut – Connecticut Department of Transportation officials have announced that all lanes are now open to traffic on Route 15 northbound at the Sikorsky Bridge. Up to this point the exit only (right) lane had been closed until the necessary signing and safety items were in place. |
10/19/2006 | The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) has completed construction of the Milford Train Station. Final paving and line striping on High Street and the surrounding roadways and parking lots were finished over the last week. |
10/4/2006 | Shore Line East Passes Five Millionth Passengers Milestone Connecticut Commuter Rail Service Continues to Gain Riders |
9/21/2006 |
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) is pleased to announce that it has awarded First Transit, Inc., the contract for management of the Connecticut Transit (CTTRANSIT) operations in the Hartford, New Haven and Stamford divisions. The term of this Agreement is for five years, with a State option for a five-year extension. This contract will be a continuation of the Department’s long professional relationship with the First Transit, Inc., firm and its local management team. |
9/14/2006 | The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today released the results from a recent passenger survey showing improved customer satisfaction and on-time performance on the Shore Line East (SLE) rail line. Ninety-Two (92) percent of those responding say overall performance has improved or stayed the same on Shore Line East. Of that group, nearly 32 percent feel service has improved on Shore Line East. The survey results were presented to shoreline chief elected officials at the August South Central Council of Governments meeting late last month. |
9/13/2006 | The Connecticut Department of Transportation today announced that it has received authorization to recruit for and fill 25 engineering positions as part of the department's continuing efforts to design and administer multi-modal improvement projects in a timely and efficient manner. |
9/7/2006 |
Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) officials have announced that the Eastbound Platform Extension at Milford Station in Milford, Connecticut is scheduled to be opened by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday September 07, 2006. This opening will facilitate access to the Metro North and Shore Line East Commuter Trains. |
9/6/2006 | The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) announced today a new partnership between CTTRANSIT and Stop & Shop supermarkets for the sale of bus passes and tickets. |
8/28/2006 | Newington, Connecticut – As Connecticut’s children head back to school in the coming weeks, the Connecticut Department of Transportation is reminding motorists to take extra precaution when travelling in school zones. |
8/8/2006 |
Opening of High Street, eastbound Platform Extension and ADA Ramps at Milford Station on track for Metro-North and Shore Line East Rail Service |
2/6/2006 | In July 1997, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particles designed to protect the public from exposure to PM 2.5 at levels that may cause health problems. Areas not meeting the PM 2.5 NAAQS are called PM 2.5 nonattainment areas. EPA designated The New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT as a PM 2.5 nonattainment area. Connecticut portions include the Fairfield County and New Haven County areas. |
1/13/2006 |
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today announced that Shore Line East rail service will operate on a special reduced holiday schedule on Monday, January 16 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. The special operation schedule is listed below. Note that several morning and evening trains have been eliminated for Monday, January 16, ONLY. |