News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation



Governor Rell Names Caren Kittredge of Glastonbury as Chair of Bradley Board of Directors

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that she has named Caren Kittredge of Glastonbury to chair the Bradley International Airport Board of Directors. Kittredge succeeds L. Scott Frantz, who was elected in November as State Senator of the 36th District.


Connecticut DOT Names New Chief of Public Transportation

Moving to bolster Connecticut’s commitment to getting people out of their cars and onto public transportation, Department of Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie today announced the appointment of James P. Redeker, a veteran executive with New Jersey Transit Corporation, to lead the DOT’s Bureau of Public Transportation.



Flights Resume to Amsterdam Starting June 2, 2009


Connecticut Department of Transportation & Metro-North Railroad Make Progress to Inspect New Haven Line Catenary System

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) and Metro-North Railroad (MNR) today hosted a demonstration of high technology of the New Haven catenary system.


Connecticut Department of Transportation Announces Public Meetings for the New Britain-Hartford Busway

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is beginning a series of public meetings to gather input on the design of bus routes and schedules for the New Britain Hartford Busway project.


Notice of Public Information Meeting concerning the replacement of a culvert, which carries Route 17A (Main Street) over an unnamed water course in Portland between William Street and Bartlett Street in Portland.

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will conduct a Public Informational Meeting concerning the replacement of a culvert, which carries Route 17A (Main Street) over an unnamed water course in Portland between William Street and Bartlett Street. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at the Portland Public Library located on 20 Freestone Avenue. Informal/Individual questions and answers with DOT Officials will begin at 6:30 p.m. A formal presentation is at 7:00 p.m. In the event of inclement weather, the meeting will be held January 7, 2009 (at the same time and location).


Notice of Public Information Meeting concerning replacement of a culvert, which carries Route 68/70 (Main Street) over the Farmington Canal in Cheshire

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning the replacement of a culvert, which carries Route 68/70 (Main Street) over the Farmington Canal in Cheshire, on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at the Cheshire Town Hall in the 3rd floor Council Chambers. An informal question and answer session will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a formal design presentation at 7:00 p.m.



State Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie today announced the availability of the Draft Connecticut Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) for the Madison Shore Line East (SLE) Railroad Station, Madison, CT (State Project No. 310-0048). This EIE was prepared pursuant to the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, Sections 22a-1a-1 to 12, inclusive.


Bridge Inspection - Route I-84 (westbound) between Exits 45 and 50 in Hartford

State Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie announced today that Bridge Inspection work will be performed on I-84 (westbound) between Exits 45 and 50 in Hartford (Aetna Viaduct). This project is scheduled to take place on Sunday November 16, 2008.


Public Information Meeting – 1-95 Operational Lanes, Exits 14 to 15 and Route 1 (Connecticut Avenue) in the town of Norwalk, Connecticut.

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning the I-95 Operational Lanes, Exits 14 to 15 and Route 1 (Connecticut Avenue) in the town of Norwalk, Connecticut. The meeting will be held on Monday, November 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room (Room 128) of the of the Norwalk City Hall, 125 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT


Commissioner Marie Announces Organizational Changes

Building on organizational changes already in place, Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie today announced a key new enhancement to Department operations – the splitting in two of the agency’s Bureau of Engineering and Highway Operations.



The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today announced that MTA Metro-North Railroad (MNR) will begin replacing ties on the Danbury Branch on Thursday, November 13, to maintain a safe, smooth ride.


Flu Clinic Offered at Fairfield County Train Stations

The Connecticut Department of Transportation today announced flu clinics being sponsored by Fairfield County local health directors will be held at various rail stations along the New Haven Line in November.


New Connecticut law (Public Act 08-01, effective October 1, 2008) to protect cyclists on state roads.

Governor M. Jodi Rell has stressed the need to accommodate bicyclists, pedestrians and motorists on Connecticut roadways.


State Transportation Officials Set Course for Federal Program Reform

State transportation officials are calling for major reforms, accountability, and increased federal funding for the nation's transportation programs as Congress considers authorization legislation in the coming year.


Supplemental Invitation to Bid, Rental of Trucks with Operators for the 2008/2009 Winter Season.

State Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie announced today that through the Department of Administrative Services, a Supplemental Invitation to Bid for Trucks with Operators has been posted. The Department of Transportation is seeking bidders to assist in snow removal on various highways throughout the State of Connecticut.


Governor Rell Commemorates 50th Anniversary Of the Opening of the Connecticut Turnpike

Hailing it as “one of the most valuable and productive drivers of the Connecticut economy,” Governor M. Jodi Rell today (Oct. 22, 2008) helped mark and commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Connecticut Turnpike – officially the John Davis Lodge Turnpike that, as Interstate 95, carries tens of thousands of vehicles every day.


DOT Presents Awards At Annual Traffic Safety Conference

The Connecticut Department of Transportation and the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association presented awards to 21 State and Local Law Enforcement agencies for participation in the “Law Enforcement Challenge,” a program that recognizes high standards of achievement in the field of traffic safety.


Public Information Meeting Regarding Intersection Improvements to Route 12 at Soap Street in Killingly

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will be holding a Public Information Meeting regarding the intersection improvements to Route 12 at Soap Street in Killingly, Connecticut. The meeting will be held on Thursday November 6, 2008 in the 2nd Floor Town Meeting Room at the Killingly Town Hall, 172 Main Street in Danielson.


Agency and Public Scoping Meetings For the

Public Input Sought on Proposed Rail Line Improvements


Public Information Meeting - Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 01649 which carries State 668 (Butts Bridge Road) over Quinebaug River in the town of Canterbury.

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning the rehabilitation of Bridge No. 01649, which carries State Road (SR) 668 (Butts Bridge Road) over Quinebaug River in the town of Canterbury. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Canterbury Town Hall, 1 Municipal Drive, Canterbury, Connecticut


Connecticut Hosts National Transportation Conference

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) is playing host this year to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Some 700 delegates from across the country are attending the five-day event (Oct. 16-20) at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.


New Facilities Opened at Cannondale Station on Danbury Rail Line

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today announced the opening of a new restroom facility at the Cannondale Train Station. The new stand alone building was constructed as an upgrade to the Cannondale Station and is part of the state’s effort to improve and enhance amenities at New Haven Line stations.


Public Information Meeting for Proposed Intersection Improvements for Silver Lane at Forbes Street, East Hartford.

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) will hold a public information meeting for the intersection improvements proposed for Silver Lane at Forbes Street. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Sunset Ridge School cafeteria on 450 Forbes Street, East Hartford, Connecticut.


New Haven Line & Shore Line East Rail Service Schedule Changes Effective October 5, 2008

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today reminded rail customers that beginning Sunday, October 5th, a new fall schedule will go in to affect for New Haven Line (NHL) and Shore Line East (SLE). The fall schedule will provide new rail service on the Danbury and Waterbury Branch Lines, and new eastbound evening service from Stamford to New Haven to reduce a 47 minute service gap in this critical commuter time period.


CPTC Public Hearing Notice in Windham, CT on Wednesday, October 8, 2008.

NEWINGTON, Conn. – The Connecticut Public Transportation Commission (CPTC) will hold a public hearing in Windham on (Wednesday, October 8) to give citizens and local officials in that area of the state an opportunity to voice their views on public transportation services.


CPTC Public Hearing Notice in Danbury, CT on Wednesday, October 21, 2008.

NEWINGTON, Conn. – The Connecticut Public Transportation Commission (CPTC) will hold a public hearing in Danbury on (Tuesday, October 21) to give citizens and local officials in that area of the state an opportunity to voice their views on public transportation services.


International Walk to School Day, October 8, 2008

Newington, Connecticut - The Connecticut Department of Transportation is promoting International Walk to School Day. Several Connecticut schools have registered with the National Center for Safe Routes to School, and will be joining schools from around the world to celebrate International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 8, 2008.


Governor Rell Commemorates the 70th Anniversary of the Opening of the Merritt Parkway

Calling it “a uniquely Connecticut gem,” Governor M. Jodi Rell today led the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the opening of the scenic Merritt Parkway in southwestern Connecticut.


Danbury Commuter Rail Branch Schedule Changes

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) today announced details on the upcoming weekday Danbury branch train schedule going into effect on Sunday, October 5, 2008. The Danbury Branch weekday train schedule will add a new round trip to the service schedule, for now a total of 22 scheduled weekday trains.


Rail commuters on the Waterbury, New Canaan and Danbury branch lines will be surveyed for ideas on how to improve rail service.

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) announced today that rail commuters on the Waterbury, New Canaan and Danbury branch lines will be surveyed for ideas on how to improve rail service.


Project No. 102-269

Route 7/Merritt Parkway/Main Ave. Norwalk


Invitation to Bid, Rental of Trucks with Operators for Snow Removal for the 2008/2009 Winter Season.

State Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie announced today that through the Department Of Administrative Services, an Invitation to Bid for Trucks with Operators has been posted on the State Contracting Portal. The Department of Transportation is seeking bidders to assist in snow removal on highways through out the State of Connecticut.


Thomaston, Route 222 Bridge to be closed to traffic

Thomaston, Connecticut- The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announced today that, on or about September 23, 2008, periodically for traffic.


Public meetings on the Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and Map Update

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) will conduct four public meetings to present information and gather input on the Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and Map Update.


Safety Improvement Plans - Route 493 (Washington Boulevard) between Division Street and U.S. Route 1 (Tresser Boulevard) in the City of Stamford

NEWINGTON, CT. - State Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie announced today that the State Department of Transportation’s Office of Engineering is developing plans to install low profile median barrier curbing along a portion of Route 493 (Washington Boulevard) between Division Street and U.S. Route 1 (Tresser Boulevard) in the City of Stamford. Plantings and swag chain fencing will be included within the barrier curb. The purpose of this improvement is to discourage mid-block pedestrian crossings in this area.


Safe Routes “Back To School”

Safe Routes “Back To School” Traffic Safety Reminders and Tips


Bus Ridership soars

As the price of gasoline continues to stay around $4 a gallon, commuters in Connecticut are trying to find more effective ways to cut commuting costs. An easy solution is to take public transportation. Many in Connecticut have figured that out as ridership on CTTRANSIT buses, in July, posted the largest percentage increase in more than a year.



NEWINGTON, Conn. - State Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie announced the availability of the Draft Federal Environmental Assessment (EA)/Section 4(f) De Minimis Finding/Connecticut Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) for the Interstate 95 Improvements Along the Long Wharf Area, New Haven, CT (State Project No. 92-572).


Commissioner Marie Announces Organizational Changes

Commissioner Joseph F. Marie today announced the appointment of Jeffrey A. Parker as Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Transportation and Charlene Anne-Marie Casamento as Chief of the Bureau of Finance and Administration.


Governor Rell Announces Design Funding for Canopies at Two Metro-North Stations

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that $400,000 for the design of long-awaited canopies at the Metro-North rail commuter stations in Stratford and Springdale is expected to be approved when the state Bond Commission meets August 4


New Weekend & Holiday Service from Old Saybrook to New Haven Will Begin Operating Year-Round on Shore Line East Starting the 4th of July

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) will begin weekend and holiday rail service on Shore Line East (SLE) starting this Friday, the 4th of July and throughout the weekend. Initial weekend rail schedule will include four west bound trains to New Haven from early morning to early afternoon, and five east bound trains from mid-afternoon to late evening.


Document Availability and Public Hearing of the Draft EIE for the Branford Shore Line East Railroad Station

State Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie announced the availability of the Draft Connecticut Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) for the Branford Shore Line East (SLE) Railroad Station and Parking Expansion, Branford, CT (State Project Nos. 310-0047 and 310-0048).


Major traffic switch on Route 7 northbound and southbound, between Ridgefield Road (Route 33) and School Road, on Friday night, June 20, 2008

Connecticut Department of Transportation officials are announcing that there will be a major traffic switch on Route 7 northbound and southbound, between Ridgefield Road (Route 33) and School Road, on Friday night, June 20, 2008, beginning at 8:00pm. If necessary, work may continue through mid-morning on Saturday, June 21.


Aquarion Water Company of Connecticut will be shutting off the water supply to area businesses and residents on Route 7 in Wilton, 6/17/2008, 6/26/2008

Connecticut Department of Transportation officials are announcing that Aquarion Water Company of Connecticut will be shutting off the water supply to area businesses and residents on Route 7 in Wilton to allow work on the water main. In addition, the shutoff may also affect residents and businesses in neighboring areas.



Summer weather is in full swing here in Connecticut and motorcyclists and scooter riders are taking full advantage to enjoy riding their favorite routes throughout the state. Whether it’s to get to work, get better fuel economy or to enjoy a scenic ride along one of the State’s many rural roads, riding a motorcycle or street legal scooter is a great way to stay cool and enjoy the summer. New safe riding courses allow more Connecticut riders immediate access to life saving training.


Metro-North Danbury Branch LineBus Service To Replace Train Service Weekend of June 7 & 8, 2008

Connecticut Department of Transportation officials have announced that bus service will replace train service on the Metro-North Danbury Branch Line the weekend of Saturday, June 7 and Sunday, June 8, 2008.


Connecticut Department of Transportation & Metro-North Railroad Offer Next Opportunity To View New M-8 Mock-up Rail Car Interior on 5/29/2008

The State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) and MTA Metro-North Railroad (MNR) will open the M-8 rail car interior to customers who travel in/out of the Stamford Station. Stamford Station is the second largest intermediate station on the New Haven Line, second only to Grand Central Terminal. The mock-up will be opened to customers on Thursday, May 29 in the “drop off” along the South State Street side beginning at 7:00 a.m. through 10:00 a.m. and in the afternoon from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on May 29th. Customers will have one final opportunity to view the mock-up when it travels to Grand Central Terminal in early June. The date and time is yet to be determined.


Connecticut Department of Transportation & Metro-North Railroad Showcase New M-8 Rail Car Interior

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) and MTA Metro-North Railroad (MNR) today unveiled the M-8 rail car interior. The interior “mock-up” was built by Kawasaki Rail Car, Inc., the M-8 rail fleet manufacturer in Japan this winter, and transported by ship for testing and review. The ConnDOT and MNR are making the interior mock-up available for customers to view the inside design, color and seat configuration of the M-8 rail fleet.


Bridge Rehabilitation, Route 5 and 15 over Wolcott Hill Road and Route 314 on 5/22/2008

The Department of Transportation announced today that on/or about Thursday, May 22, 2008, work will begin on the rehabilitation of the bridge on Routes 5 and 15 over Wolcott Hill Road in Wethersfield.


Ride Your Bike to Work on Friday, May 16

If you are a bike commuter who works in downtown Hartford, please join others who share your delight in the outdoors for the “Hartford Bike Week” Bike to Work Event. The event takes place on Friday, May 16, 2008, from 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. at the Old State House on Main Street in downtown Hartford.


2008 ‘Click It or Ticket” Campaign Unveiled

Governor M. Jodi Rell, Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele and officials from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Federal Highway Administration, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Connecticut Department of Public Safety, Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles, Connecticut Department of Public Health, Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) and local law enforcement agencies joined together on Tuesday, May 13, 2008, at DOT headquarters in Newington to kick off the 2008 “Click It or Ticket” Campaign.


Public hearing on Waterbury-Oxford Airport FAR Part 150 Noise Study, 06/12/2008

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) has prepared a Draft Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 150 Noise Study for the Waterbury-Oxford Airport (OXC), which is located in the Towns of Oxford and Middlebury. The OXC Noise Study is funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and ConnDOT, and is available for public review and comment at the following locations:


Connecticut Café Cars Receive Makeover

Department of Transportation & Metro-North railroad unveil newly refurbished Café Car at Union Station – New Haven


Closure of Central Street in Bristol

NEWINGTON, CT – Connecticut Department of Transportation Acting Commissioner H. James Boice announced today that Central Street in the Forestville section of Bristol will be closed to thru traffic between April 28, 2008 and June 11, 2008


The Connecticut Public Transportation Commission released its schedule of upcoming public hearings

The Connecticut PublicTransportation Commission (CPTC) today released its schedule of upcoming public hearings to be held throughout the state this spring which will give private citizens and local officials the opportunity to voice their views on public transportation services in Connecticut.


Governor Rell Names New Commissioner of Transportation

Governor M. Jodi Rell announced today that she is nominating Joseph F. Marie of Scottsdale, Arizona as the new Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Transportation. Mr. Marie is currently the Director of Operations and Maintenance for METRO, the regional public transit system for Phoenix, Arizona and he brings to his new position more than 22 years of transit industry experience in both the public and private sectors. He is a native of Massachusetts.


Tree work will be performed on Route 15 (northbound) between Exits 54 and 60 in Milford, Orange, Woodbridge, New Haven and Hamden, April 21, 2008 through April 25, 2008

Tree work will be performed on Route 15 (northbound) between Exits 54 and 60 in Milford, Orange, Woodbridge, New Haven and Hamden. This project is scheduled to begin on or about Monday, April 21, 2008 and continue through Friday, April 25, 2008.


Bridge Maintenance project will be performed on I-95 (northbound) between Exits 3 and 4, in Greenwich, April 16, 2008 and April 23, 2008

Bridge Maintenance project will be performed on I-95 (northbound) between Exits 3 and 4, in Greenwich. This project is scheduled to take place on or about Wednesday, April 16, 2008 and Wednesday, April 23, 2008.


Tree Removal project will be performed on Route 107, approximately 1/10 of a mile south of Route 53, in Redding, April 15, 2008.

Tree Removal project will be performed on Route 107, approximately 1/10 of a mile south of Route 53, in Redding. This project is expected to take place on Tuesday, April 15, 2008. The rain date would be Wednesday, April 16, 2008.


Bridge Maintenance project will be performed on I-84 (westbound) between Exits 24 and 18, in Waterbury, April 15, 2008, April 17, 2008, April 19, 2008

Bridge Maintenance project will be performed on I-84 (westbound) between Exits 24 and 18, in Waterbury. This project is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 & Thursday, April 17, 2008 & Saturday, April 19, 2008.


Bridge Maintenance project will be performed on I-95 (northbound) between Exits 43 and 45, in West Haven, April 16, 2008

Bridge Maintenance project will be performed on I-95 (northbound) between Exits 43 and 45, in West Haven. This project is scheduled to take place on or about Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Connecticut State Traffic Commission News - meetings on April 15, 2008 and May 20, 2008 canceled.

Connecticut State Traffic Commission News - meetings on April 15, 2008 and May 20, 2008 have been canceled. A New meeting is scheduled for May 6, 2008.


Connecticut Rail Ridership Experiences Increases in 2007

Connecticut Rail Ridership Experiences Remarkable Increases in 2007 Nearly 1 .4 Million New Customers Traveled on Connecticut’s Commuter Rail Service Rail Ridership Increases Continue in 2008


Gov. Rell Concerned About Reduction in Federal Highway Funds

Governor M. Jodi Rell has sent the attached letter to Connecticut's Congressional Delegation expressing concern that Connecticut's share of Federal Highway Administration funding for the 2008 fiscal year was reduced by $45.55 million, including $21.9 million in bridge rescissions.


Public Information Meeting Route 7 Construction Project in Town of Wilton on 4/3/08

The Connecticut Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Town of Wilton, will be holding their third public information meeting on Thursday night, April 3, 2008 at 7:30PM in the cafeteria at the Cider Mill School, located at 240 School Road in Wilton.


Public Information Meeting 3/27/08 for the Draft Master Plan for Danielson Airport in Killingly, CT

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) has scheduled a Public Information Meeting for Thursday, March 27, 2008 to present and discuss the Draft Master Plan for Danielson Airport, which is located in the Town of Killingly, Connecticut.


Notice of Public Hearing for the Proposed Interchange 18 Improvements on Route 8 in Ansonia and Derby on 3/26/08

The Valley Council of Governments, with assistance from the Connecticut Department of Transportation, will hold a design public hearing for State Project No. 36-179, the proposed Interchange 18 Improvements on Route 8 in the cities of Ansonia and Derby, on March 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ansonia City Hall, Ansonia Aldermanic Chambers, 253 Main Street, Ansonia, Connecticut.


State Bond Commission Approves $$$ for DOT Projects

The State Bond Commission has approved $13.5 million for design and property acquisition for the new West Haven station on Metro-North’s New Haven Line and $20 million for several road projects.



The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) announced today that ridership on the I BUS, the interstate express bus route operated by CTTRANSIT between Stamford, CT and White Plains, NY, increased by 11 percent in 2007.


Public Information Meeting Route 7/Merritt Parkway Interchange in Norwalk on 3/18/08

A Public Information Meeting regarding proposed improvements to the Route 7 / Merritt Parkway interchange in Norwalk will be held at 7:30 p.m. on March 18, 2008, at Norwalk City Hall, 125 East Avenue, Norwalk.


DOT and DPS: Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk

Connecticut Public Safety Commissioner John A. Danaher III and Acting Transportation Commissioner Emil H. Frankel Connecticut Department of Transportation are reminding football fans that if they are watching the Super Bowl and celebrating with alcohol, they should to make the right call even before the kick-off and choose to have a designated driver.


MTA Metro-North Railroad Announces Special Martin Luther King Day Schedule

On Monday January 21, the Martin Luther King holiday, Metro-North Railroad will operate on an enhanced Saturday schedule. Off-peak fares will be in effect all day.


Governor Rell Announces Free Rail Parking Shuttle in New Haven

Governor M. Jodi Rell announced today that a free rail parking shuttle service to New Haven’s Union Station has been implemented. The rail parking shuttle route serves the new parking lot at the former site of the New Haven Coliseum, the Temple Street parking garage and Union Station.


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