News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation



Governor Rell Announces Service Plaza Concession Agreement

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced the state has entered into a sweeping, long-term concession agreement to transform all 23 service plazas along the major highways with more restaurant choices and stores and upgraded comfort facilities. Including projected revenues, initial construction and reinvestments, the benefit to the State of Connecticut is estimated to be almost $500 million over the term of the agreement.


Connecticut Department of Transportation Helping Children to Walk and Bike to School Safely

The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Noninfrastructure Program will be offering free personalized assistance to elementary and middle schools. Schools with grades kindergarten to eighth are eligible to apply for assistance in SRTS plan development, as well as bike and pedestrian education.


Shore Line East Earns High Scores from Train Riders in 2009 Customer Satisfaction Survey

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) announced today the results of the 2009 Shore Line East Customer Satisfaction Survey. The survey showed that Shore Line East has an excellent, and improving overall reputation among its riders. Almost one-third of riders (31.4 %) gave Shore Line East the highest possible rating of a “1” (completely satisfied). The average rating on the 1 to 7 scale for overall satisfaction was a 1.87, an improvement from the 2.06 rating the prior year.


Advisory Committee Kickoff Meeting – Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement for Improvements on the I-84 Corridor from Danbury to Waterbury

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that an Advisory Committee Kickoff Meeting concerning the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for improvements to the I-84 corridor from Danbury to Waterbury will be held October 22, 2009 in Room 205 at the Southbury Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, Southbury.


New Haven Union Station Shuttle Offers Expanded Hours and Free Service to the Green

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) announced today enhancements to the free weekday shuttle which connects rail passengers using Union Station to additional off-site parking locations, including the Temple Street Garage and the parking lot at the former Coliseum site.


Safe Routes to School Program Challenges Connecticut Students to “Walk It Bike It to School!”

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program will celebrate International Walk to School Day on October 7, 2009 with the launch of the “Walk It Bike It to School, Connecticut!” contest. Students are challenged to walk or bike to and from school while competing against other classrooms across the state to see who can be the first to walk or bike the distance of the perimeter of Connecticut, 375 miles.


CT River Ferries Closed Friday, Sept 4, 2009

Due to the state-mandated furlough day, the two Connecticut River ferries -- between Glastonbury and Rocky Hill, and Chester and Hadlyme -- will be closed on Friday, September 4, 2009.


Safe Routes “Back To School” Traffic Safety Reminders and Tips

As Connecticut’s children head back to school this week and in the coming weeks, the Connecticut Department of Transportation is reminding motorists to take extra precaution when travelling in school zones.


Governor Rell: Danbury Commuter Rail Line On Track for Major Signalization Upgrade

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that the state is greatly expanding a commuter rail project by upgrading all 24 miles of the Danbury Branch of the New Haven Line railroad with modern, remotely controlled signals.


Connecticut Department of Transportation Announces Publication of State's 2009 Long-Range Transportation Plan

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the completion of the State’s 2009 Long-Range Transportation Plan (2009 LRP). The LRP is a federally mandated policy document that outlines the State of Connecticut‘s transportation policies and strategies for at least a 20-year period. It is updated every three to five years. The 2009 LRP, which updates the 2004 LRP, covers the period 2009 – 2035.


Connecticut Department of Transportation Cancels Public Hearings on Rail and Bus Fare Increases

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that the planned public hearings in July and August to receive comments on proposed rail and bus fare increases have been cancelled.


New England Governors Pursuing Joint Regional Vision for High Speed Rail

The New England Governors today announced they are working together on a coordinated regional vision for high speed rail that will connect major cities and airports, and support economic growth throughout the region. The Vision for the New England High Speed and Intercity Rail Network lays out key projects to strengthen passenger and freight rail service along new and existing rail corridors. The goal is to double passenger rail ridership in the Northeast by 2030.


Governor Rell: State Formally Applies for Stimulus Funds For New Haven to Springfield Rail Line

Governor M. Jodi Rell announced the state is proceeding with its efforts to establish high-speed rail service between New Haven and Springfield by applying for a share of the $8 billion in stimulus funds available for high-speed rail projects.


Connecticut Department of Transportation to Hold Public Hearings on Rail and Bus Fare Increases

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will hold public hearings in July and August in nine communities to receive comments on a proposed 11.4% rail fare increase and 40% increase for CTTRANSIT bus, express commuter bus and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) paratransit services.


Public Hearing and Public Comment Sought on Waterbury-Oxford Airport Draft Environmental Assessment & Draft Relocation Plan for Recommendations from the FAR Part 150 Noise Study

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 13 at 7 p.m. at the Southbury Crown Plaza Hotel to hear comments on a Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA) and Draft Relocation Plan for recommendations to alleviate airport generated noise on surrounding residential properties near the Waterbury-Oxford Airport.


Public Meetings Scheduled for Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and Map Update

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will conduct four public meetings to present information and gather input on the Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and Map Update.


DOT Joins Middlesex Chamber to Inaugurate Route 9 Traveler Advisory System

Connecticut Department of Transportation officials and leaders of the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce today formally unveiled plans for an extensive traveler advisory system for drivers along the busy Route 9 and Route 66 corridors in central Connecticut.


Public Info Meeting Regarding a Proposed Modern Roundabout at Routes 82 and 85 in Salem

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning a proposed modern roundabout at Routes 82 and 85 in the Town of Salem. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at the Gardner Lake Firehouse, 429 Old Colchester Road, (Route 354), Salem. An informal question and answer session will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a formal design presentation at 7:00 p.m.


Public Information Meetings to be held for Waterbury and New Canaan Branch Lines Needs and Feasibility Study

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a series of public information meetings will be held for the Waterbury and New Canaan Branch Lines Needs and Feasibility Study.


State Seeks $18.9 Million for Hybrid Buses and Fuel Cells

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that the state has applied for $18.9 million in federal stimulus funds to upgrade the state-owned transit buses with dozens of energy efficient hybrid buses and install fuel cells in maintenance garages around the state for back-up energy sources.



Attorney General Richard Blumenthal and Gov. M. Jodi Rell today announced that construction and inspection companies, their employees and a bonding company have agreed to a final $4.6 million settlement for defective storm drains on Interstate-84.


Eric Waldron Named Bradley International Airport Administrator

Eric N. Waldron, a veteran of 39 years in airport administration and operations, including, most recently Boston Logan, has been named Administrator of Bradley International Airport, the Connecticut Department of Transportation announced today.


Connecticut River Ferries to be Closed Friday, May 22, 2009

Due to the mandated furlough day for State of Connecticut Employees, the Glastonbury-Rocky Hill and Chester-Hadlyme ferries on the Connecticut River will not operate on Friday, May 22, 2009. Service will resume Saturday, May 23, 2009.


Public Information Meeting Regarding Replacement of a Concrete Crib Wall on Route 45 in Washington

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will conduct a Public Information Meeting for State Project No. 150-126 concerning the replacement of a concrete crib wall which carries Route 45 in Washington. The wall is located approximately 1500 feet south of the intersection of Route 45/SR478/Flirtation Avenue, in the vicinity of Riverdance Mill. The meeting will be held on Tuesday June 9, 2009 at Bryan Memorial Hall, 2 Bryan Hall Plaza in Washington Depot. An informal question and answer session will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a formal presentation at 7:00 p.m.


Connecticut Department of Transportation to Hold Public Open Houses for the New Britain-Hartford Busway Project

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is holding two identical Open Houses for the New Britain-Hartford Busway project. This round of public involvement is focused on unifying the Busway Project corridor. There will be an Open House style format with a presentation at two corridor locations. The sessions will be from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. with a short formal presentation offered at 4:30 p.m and 6:30 p.m. The locations will be as follows:


DOT Launches Campaign to Remind Travelers to “Share the Road”

As the summer driving season approaches, the Connecticut Department of Transportation has launched a “Share the Road” campaign, highlighting the new “3-feet” law designed to provide a buffer zone to bicyclists.


Connecticut Department of Transportation Launches Click It or Ticket To Help Save Lives

Newington CT. – Officials from the National Highway Traffic Administration, Federal Highway Administration, Connecticut Department of Public Safety, Connecticut Police Chiefs Association, Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles and the Connecticut Department of Transportation will join together on Thursday May 14, 2009, at 10 a.m. at the Department of Transportation, 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington to kick off the 2009 “Click it or Ticket” Campaign.


Rocky Hill - Glastonbury Ferry 2009 Season Opening Delayed Until Saturday, May 2, 2009

The 2009 seasonal opening of the Rocky Hill - Glastonbury Ferry will take place on Saturday, May 2, 2009 instead of the previously announced May 1, 2009.


Rocky Hill - Glastonbury Ferry Set to Begin Seasonal Operation on Friday, May 1st with New Schedule

This year the ferry will operate on a 6-day a week schedule, Tuesday through Sunday, within the normal operating hours.


Connecticut Department of Transportation Seeks Comments on the State's Draft Long-Range Transportation Plan

There is still time to submit comments on the Draft 2009 Long-Range Transportation Plan for the State of Connecticut (2009 LRP).


Buckland Area Transportation Study - Public Info Meeting Scheduled for April 22, 2009

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a public informational meeting will be held to discuss the findings of the final phase of the Buckland Area Transportation study.


Roundtrip Charter Air Service Begins Between Groton and Nantucket

NEWINGTON, Conn. (April 1st, 2009) – While some like to think of Nantucket as the far away island, visiting this popular vacation spot just got a whole lot easier for travelers in the Northeast. The Connecticut State Department of Transportation today announced seasonal air charter service between Groton, Conn. (GON) and Nantucket, Mass. (ACK) airports in conjunction with Aviation Technologies, Inc. dba, a public air charter company.


Safe Routes to School Program - Open Call for Infrastructure Applications

The Connecticut Department of Transportation would like to announce the call for project applications for federal fiscal years 2008-09 Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Infrastructure Program. Approximately $2.8 million dollars in funding is available this funding cycle.


Public Information Meeting – Rehabilitation of Bridge 0051, Rampart Road over Interstate Route 95 in the city of Norwalk, Connecticut

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning the rehabilitation of Bridge 00051, Rampart Road over Interstate Route 95 in the city of Norwalk, Connecticut. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in Room A300 of the Norwalk City Hall, 125 East Avenue Norwalk, Connecticut.


DOT Seeks Input on Draft 2009 Long-Range Transportation Plan

The Connecticut Department of Transportation has announced the availability of the Draft Long-Range Transportation Plan for the State of Connecticut (2009 LRP) for public review and comment. The LRP is a federally mandated policy document that outlines strategies and actions for addressing transportation issues and needs in Connecticut. This plan, which covers the period of 2009 through 2035, is generally updated every three to five years. It is periodically updated because, over time, changes occur in transportation needs, travel behavior, methods to manage traffic, and the ability to pay for transportation system maintenance and improvements. It is an important step toward reassessing Connecticut’s policies for addressing our State’s future mobility. The Department of Transportation (Department) anticipates publishing a final plan in the spring of 2009.


Commissioner Marie Named Chair of Key AASHTO Committee

Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie has been named chairman of the Standing Committee on Public Transportation, one of the key committees under the umbrella of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).


Governor Rell: Rail Ridership Shows Strong Growth in 2008

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced rail ridership jumped markedly in 2008 for both the New Haven Line and Shore Line East rail services, adding a record number of riders for both services.


Governor Rell Reopens Southport Train Station

Governor M. Jodi Rell formally reopened the recently rebuilt Southport train station in Fairfield, just one year after it was heavily damaged by fire. Governor Rell was joined in a ceremony at the station on February 27, 2009, by officials from the Department of Transportation, Senator John McKinney and local leaders.


Bridge Closed - Route 151 over Moodus River, East Haddam

The Connecticut Department of Transportation announced today that as of February 24, 2009, Route 151 between East Haddam-Moodus Road (Route 149) and Neptune Avenue will be closed to traffic. This closure will be in effect until repair or replacement of the bridge.


Public Info Meeting Concerning MNR Bridge Replacement over East Avenue and Reconstruction of East Avenue in Norwalk

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning the Replacement of the Metro North Railroad Bridge Over East Avenue and Reconstruction of East Avenue from approximately 60 feet south of Rowan Street to the intersection of East Ave. at John St./Raymond Terrace in Norwalk, CT. The meeting has been rescheduled and will now be held on Tuesday March 17,2009 at the Norwalk City Hall. 125 East Ave., Norwalk, CT at 7:00pm


Boston Post Road in Madison Designated ‘Scenic Road’

State Transportation Commissioner Joseph F. Marie has announced that a portion of Route 1, the Boston Post Road, in Madison has been designated as a scenic road.


Bridge Inspection - Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Q Bridge, New Haven

The Connecticut Department of Transportation announced today that routine bridge inspection work will be performed on I-95 (southbound) over the Quinnipiac River between Exits 46 and 50 in New Haven (Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge – Q Bridge). This project is scheduled to take place on Saturday February 21, 2009.


Notice of Public Information Meeting concerning the Replacement of Bridge No. 04324 Route 175 (Cedar Street) Over Proposed New Britain/Hartford Bus Way

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning the Replacement of Bridge No. 04324, Route 175 (Cedar Street) over the proposed New Britain/Hartford Bus Way, on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at the Town Hall, 131 Cedar Street in Newington, Conference Room 3 (Room 202).


Public Information Meeting – Replacement of Bridge 02781, Route 184 over Shunock River in the town of North Stonington, Connecticut

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning the replacement of Bridge 02781, Route 184 over Shunock River in the town of North Stonington, Connecticut. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the New Town Hall Meeting Room, 40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT. If inclement weather occurs on the above scheduled date, the meeting will be rescheduled for March 3, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.


Public Information Meeting concerning a proposed median installation on Washington Boulevard between Division Street and U.S. Route 1 in Stamford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning a proposed median installation on Washington Boulevard between Division Street and U.S. Route 1, on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at the Governmental Center Cafeteria on the 4th Floor. An informal question and answer session will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a formal design presentation at 7:00 p.m.


Public Information Meeting concerning the improvements on Route 44 at Birch Road and Cedar Swamp Road in Mansfield

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will conduct a Public Information Meeting (as part of the Town Council Meeting) concerning proposed improvements on Route 44 at Birch Road and Cedar Swamp Road, on Monday, February 9, 2009 at the Mansfield Town Hall in the Council Chambers. An informal question and answer session will begin at 7:00 p.m., followed by a formal design presentation at 7:30 p.m.


ConnDOT Commissioner Issues Earth Day Commuter Challenge

State-wide Event Recognizes Employers and Rewards Commuters for Taking Greener Forms of Commuting that Reduce Traffic and Emissions


Public Informational Meeting – Proposed Design Plans for the Route 7 and Route 15 Interchange in Norwalk

The Connecticut Department of Transportation announced today that a public informational meeting concerning improvements to the Route 7 and Route 15 Interchange will be held February 25, 2009 at the Norwalk City Hall in Norwalk.


Public Informational Meeting – Interstate 95 Resurfacing and Safety Improvements, East Lyme, Waterford, New London

The Connecticut Department of Transportation announced today that a public informational meeting concerning improvements to Interstate 95 will be held January 27, 2009 at the East Lyme Town Hall in Niantic.


Bike Racks on Metro-North Trains Unveiled

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) and MTA Metro-North Railroad (MNR) today offered the first views, at Grand Central Terminal in New York, of the prototype bicycle mounting devices that could be used on the new M-8 rail car fleet.


Public Information Meeting – Proposed Design Plans for Route 31 in the Town of Coventry, Connecticut.

Public informational meeting concerning improvements to Route 31 will be held January 21, 2009 at the Coventry High School in Coventry.


Governor Rell Receives New Haven Rail Facility Audit; Recommends Project be Scaled Back and Phased-In

Governor M. Jodi Rell today received the audit of the New Haven Rail Maintenance Facility and said she will recommend that the project be scaled back from the original design so that only essential components move forward now. The new facility is needed for maintenance of new M-8 rail cars on Metro-North’s New Haven Line.

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